Khaling - Nepali - English

जक्‍ताjak‍taanकाउसो, लहरे किराcaterpillar, hairshooterit lives in the "bisuwaa" tree.
जक्‍पा़jak‍pänनेवारKhaling name for Newar people
जखलjakhaln1ल्‍लो, सिस्‍नुa fibrous plant2यसको रेसाfibre from this plantSpun into thread for weaving cloth for "bhangara; also used to make ropes.Girardinia diversifolia
जब्‍जलमjab‍jalamsp. var.जप्‍जलमfoam, bubblesnफिज, फोकाfoam, bubblesचि बेक्‌‍किलो उजप्‍जलम ला़इ।If beer is poured in, it foams.
जम्‍लसिjamlasinजंगली गोलभेँडाwild tomato
जल्‍ना़jal‍näpres.जल्‍दुvजलप लगाउनु, बाहिरबाट पोत्‍नुwater-proofआम्‌‍खिआ़ ओका लुप जल्‍का।With resin we water-proof beer jugs.
जल्‌पुङjalpungnpघुर्बिस, घुर्बिलोflowering shrubIt grows in and near Khaling villages; the elongated leaves are white on the underside and provide fodder. It bears pink or red blossoms in summer.Seeभ्‍वार्‌ना़मLeucosceptrum canum, Passiflora edulis
जवाजेjawaajenपाहुना, भिडguests at a banquet
जसुjasunकोइरालोa tall treeजसुपो उखाङबि सल्‍पुपो उयाङ थो़ङ्ता।I saw a bird's nest in the jasu tree.The leaves provide fodder, white or red blossoms are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.Bauhinia purpurea
जसुjaasujasunकोइरालाको फुलmountain ebonyBauhinia variegata
जस्‍केलाjas‍kelaanजस्‍केलोside doorछा़ल्‍पा़ल‍पो कम ख्‍वाह्‌किलो जस्‍केलालका वोङ्सि मुनु़।When you visit friends, you should not enter by the side door.on the south-east side on the Khaling house
जाjaanमयूरpeacockPavo cristatus
जा़n1अन्‍नgrainअझा़म्‍नु आ़स्‍सा अतेम तुङ जा़ सिता़।Compared to last year, the harvest this year is plentiful.Seeसो़र2फलfruit
जा़ तो़क्‍देjä tök‍denpभण्‍डारgranary
जा़ वाइना़jä waainäpres.जा़ वान्‍दुvpअन्‍न हुलाउनु, बालि उठाउनुstore, stash away, keepइस्‍पो़ छा़नुखो मङ्सिरबि जा़ मारि वान्‍नु।When the rats multiply, they stash away lots of grain in (the month of) Mangsir.
जा हइjaa haiinterjधिक्‍कारwoe! (exclamation of horror)
जाक्‍पा़jaak‍päadjउज्‍यालो, टल्‍कने, चम्‍कनेshining white, bright, clear, sparklingजाक्‍पा़ गो़आ़ इन तुङ इधेर।White clothes suit you well.
जाक्‍ला ख्‍वामjaak‍laa khwaamnpजग्‍गा, जमिनland, fieldarch
जा़क्‍वाइjäk‍waain1अन्‍न पानीfoodstuff2अन्‍नcrop