जखलjakhaln1अल्लो, सिस्नुa fibrous plant2यसको रेसाfibre from this plantSpun into thread for weaving cloth for "bhangara; also used to make ropes.Girardinia diversifolia
जल्पुङjalpungnpघुर्बिस, घुर्बिलोflowering shrubIt grows in and near Khaling villages; the elongated leaves are white on the underside and provide fodder. It bears pink or red blossoms in summer.Seeभ्वार्ना़मLeucosceptrum canum, Passiflora edulis
जसुjasunकोइरालोa tall treeजसुपो उखाङबि सल्पुपो उयाङ थो़ङ्ता।I saw a bird's nest in the jasu tree.The leaves provide fodder, white or red blossoms are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.Bauhinia purpurea
जस्केलाjaskelaanजस्केलोside doorछा़ल्पा़लपो कम ख्वाह्किलो जस्केलालका वोङ्सि मुनु़।When you visit friends, you should not enter by the side door.on the south-east side on the Khaling house