Khaling - Nepali - English

थइना़thainäpres.थइङाथन्‍दुv1बिउँझनु, निद्राबाट बिउँझनुawake, lie down with eyes openantअम लु़ना़synवार थइना़2उठाउनु, बिउँझाउनुwake sbd up, keep sbd awake
थइपा़thaipäadjबिउँझेको, निद्रा छुटेकोawake
थकपा़ लुङ्पा़thakpä lungpäadjpबलियो, अग्‍लोtall and strong
थकुवाthakuwaanमुङ्‍ग्रो जस्‍तो (सानो अकार)club, heavy stick to beat laundry
थङthangnमुल्‍यcost, price, fareसो़लेपो उथङ हेबे गोता़?How much was the yarn?
थङ भ्रोना़thang bhronäpres.थङ भ्रोगुvpफुटाउनु, फोर्नु, फुट्‍नुbreak down, break to pieces, smash, destroyउङा मा़ सोस छा़ घ्रोक्‍तना थङ भ्रो़क्‍ता़।I dropped the dish and it broke into pieces.
थङ मु़ना़thang münäpres.थङ मङाvpमोल्‍नु, मुल्‍य तोक्‍नुappraise, fix a price
थङआ़ रक्‍पा़thangä rakpägramm. var. ofउथङआ़ रक्‍पा़expensiveadjpमहँगोexpensive
थथइवा़thathaiwänपासोstring trapThis kind of trap is used to catch larger birds such as doves. A long string is attached to the nest and pulled so that the sling closes when the bird lands on the nest, which is then pulled down with the bird.
थथाक्‍सुthathaak‍sunकीलाpeg, nail
थन्‍ना़than‍näpres.थुदुv1तान्‍नुpull2कात्‍नु, बाट्‍नुspin (hemp, cotton, wool)
थन्‌सिना़than‍sinäpres.थन्‌सिङाvघस्रनुcome crawling (animals, insects, babies), float (cloud in the sky)
थम्‍ना़tham‍näpres.थुमुvउठाउनु, जम्‍मा गर्नुcollect (things)सो़र थम्‌‍किना मायो मगो़पा़ बिकि एइ!Let us collect grain and give to those who have nothing!
थम्‍ना़tham‍näpres.थप्‍तुvबोलाउनु, प्रोत्‍साहन गर्नु, उक्‍साउनुcall, invite, encourage, challengeअमा़ उकम इथिपता मोलो मुयत्‍तुवा।He called me to his house but I was busy.
थर्‌मा़tharmänखरानी, भुतभुते, भुङ्‍ग्रोhot ashesAshes are used to scrub pots and pans. In winter, the hot ashes is added to a little cold water in the cooking pots to scrub them with a handful of straw, so that the heat of the ashes heats the cold water.
थस्‍लेलेthas‍lelenकोठीmole (on skin)
थस्‌सिना़thangsinäpres.थङ्सिङाvफैलाउनुspread outअमा़ कुथेम्‍बि भया थङ्सि मु़ता़।He spread the earth out on top of the water.
-थाthaadirsfx-तिर, तर्फto, towardant-लका