Khaling - Nepali - English

aainterjहो, हजुरyes (in answer to a question)लङ इपिता़ओ? आ।"Did you bring a basket?" "Yes, I did."
आ=aagramm. var. ofआपो
-आ़äunspec. var.-अdetsfx(-ले)(agentive case marker)३) उङा बइ सेन्‍दुनु।I watch the cows.अमा़ उचो़ रप्‍चुआ़ याल्‍ता़।He hit his child with a stick.अमा़ उचो़ रप्‍चुआ़ याल्‍ता़।उङा बइ सेन्‍दुनु।I watch the cows.
आ मु़ना़aa münävpदिशा गर्नु (तोते बोलि)encourage stool (used with small children)
आ़इङाäingaaadvभर्खर, अहिले नैa few moments ago, just nowआ़इङा सु़यो मुमोन्‍वा़।Just a moment ago, nobody was here.
आ़इना़äinäpres.आ़न्‍दुvढल्‍काउनुlean, tiltपोलु ता़था आ़न्‍देचे।Please tilt the basket this way.
आ़खा़तिäkhätiadjनमिठो, अमिल्‍दो (मान्‍छे)unpleasant, disagreeableनोङबि ला़म्‌‍थिना़ आ़खा़ति छा़सो़।Walking on the snow is unpleasant.
आ़जा़äjäadvभरे, केही समयपछिlater (on the same day), after a short while, soonयिउ खिप्‍तु़ये, इचा़ आ़जा़ तुरेङ जो़यि।Cook the meal, we'll both eat together later.
आ़झा़म्‍नुäjhäm‍nufr. var.आ़झा़म्नोadvपोहोर सालlast year
आता मु़ना़aataa münäpres.आता मङाvpनखरा गर्नु, ठग्‍नुgrudge, sulk
आ़तेमätemadvयो वर्षthis yearआ़तेम नोङ मुयावा़।It did not snow this year.
आ़तेमätemdial. var. ofअतेम
आ़नänadvअहिले, अबnowआ़न ख्‍वाइङाना दिसा़ अवाइङा।Now I am going, tomorrow I will return.
आन‍खना़aan‍khanäpres.आङ्‍खङाvट्‍वाल्‍ल पर्नु, छक्‍क पर्नुbe dumbfoundedपरेइ मु मस्‌सिकिखो जाच्‌बि इआक्‍खकि।If we don't study we will be dumbfounded at the exam.
आ़ना़änäadvअस्‍ति, कहि समय अघिrecentlyआ़ना़ इन माबि बजार इखो़स्‍ता़म?What for did you go to the market recently?
आ़ना़का़änäkäadvहिजो अस्‍ति, केही दिन अघिseveral days ago, a few days ago, recently
आ़नो़ल दिसा़änöl disäadvpआज-भोलिnowadaysआ़नो़ल दिसा़ मेलसेमहा़मआ़ गु़न्‍ने मुक्‍वाप्‍नु।Nowadays, women don't wear the (handwoven) skirt.
आ़नो़ल सेनेänöl seneadvpआज रातीlast night
आ़न्‌क्‍वाम ब्‍ला़न्‌क्‍वामänak‍waam b‍länk‍waamnpभन्‍ने कुराsaying, talk, common phrase, proverbदु़क मु़मु़वो आ़न्‍क्‍वाम ब्‍ला़न्‍क्‍वाम सो़।"Don't bother" is a common phrase.
आ़न्‍जो़योän‍jöyoadvअझै पनि, अझैstill, until now, yet, even nowआ़न्‍जो़यो इन गो़था़ मखो़स्‍वा़म?Have you still not gone to the cattle shed?
आ़न्‍तसबाän‍tasabaadial. var.आ़न्‍तोसबाnowadays, latelyadvआज-भोलि, वर्तमानnowadays, latelyआ़न्‍तसबा खा़लहा़मपो उनचो़ इस्‍कुल ख्‍वान्‍नु।Nowadays Khaling children go to school.

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