दन्दनdandangramm. var. ofउदन्दनsequence, continuitynक्रमश, अनुक्रमcontinuity, sequencewith poss prefix
दन्ना़dannäpres.दत्तुvपछ्याउनु, साथ लाग्नुfollow (a road, sbd), accompanyउङा सेइ मतुनुम ला़म अमहा़मआ़ मुदत्नुThey didn't follow the path I showed them.स्वार्पा़ हसहा़म दस्सा ख्वात्ता़नु।Many people followed (him).
दपdapnजगfoundationखो़दप झेङ्पा़ गो़खो, मा़ खो़ यो झेङ।If the bridgehead is strong, then the bridge will last.योदपriver bank, shore
दलाdalaaadvछिटो, चाँडोquickly, soon, promptlyदला खो़चे, घ्रोदु़ लुजा ऊबि वो़ङ्ता़नु!Go quickly, the goats went into the millet field!antवा़ता़काsynदलाङ