Khaling - Nepali - English

दा छेइना़daa cheinäpres.दा छेइङाvpमिठासे हुनुdislike simple food, be a gourmet
दा छेइपा़daa cheipänpमिठासेgourmet
दा मछेइना़daa macheinäpres.दा मुछेइङाvpजस्‍तो तस्‍तो खानुeat anything without preference
दा़कु़रु़däkürünफेगाको वर्गकार बुट्‍टाdecorative patchsewn on the armholes and neck of Khaling vest and also serves to prevent tearing.
दाक्‍लाdaak‍laanफौजी कोटtunicA piece of cloth (hemp or cotton), worn by the priest on the back, tied crosswise over the chest. The pouch formed on the back also serves to carry things.
दाक्‍सोdaak‍sonढोग, जिउgreeting, show of reverence
दाक्‍सो ल्‍वाम्‍ना़daakso lwaamnävpजिउ गर्नुreturn greetings
दाक्‍सो स्‍वान्‍ना़daak‍so s‍waan‍näpres.दाक्‍सो स्‍वात्‍तुvpजिउ गर्नु, ढोग गर्नुgreet ceremoniouslyAt special occasions such as weddings or funerals, younger relatives bend down to touch the feet of their elders as they greet themnew coinage
दा़खा़प्‌‍चिdäkhäp‍cinवरदान, सरस्‍वती, बुद्धिskill, knowledge, wisdomनोक्‍चोपो दा़खा़प्‌चिआ़ नोता़।He got well through the wisdom and skill of the healer.
दाङ्‌खिdaangkhinघुडाको पांग्राkneecap
दाङ्पा़ नोङdaangpä nongnpबरफfrozen snow, ice
दाङ्सि मन्‍ना़daangsi man‍näpres.दाङ्सि मुदुvpजमाउनुlet set
दा़दा़मा़रा़dädämäräadvहल न चलwithout movement
दाना़daanäpres.दान्‍दु़become firm, gelvजम्‍नु, कडा बन्‍नुbecome firm, gel, coagulate, freezenon-human agent
दा़न्‍ना़dän‍näpres.दा़इrot, spoilv1कुहुनु spoil, rot, decayलेङसि दा़इना केके छु़ना मुचा़नु़।When bananas spoil they turn black and are not tasty.2खेर जानुwear out, spoil
दा़प्‍दा़वा़däp‍däwänचखनीmorsel (for tasting)चाख्नलाई राखिएको थोरै खानेचिजको अंश
दा़म भ्‍वाल्‍ना़däm bhwaal‍näpres.दा़म भ्‍वालvpमुख रसाउनुwater (mouth)चा़नु़पा़ पोक्‍सो़क्‍‍वाइपो उमुर न्‍वाम्‌‍किलो दा़म भ्‍वालWhen you smell the aroma of pork roast, your mouth waters.