Khaling - Nepali - English
दुदुले dudule n खुरन्धार tenacity
दुन dun n माहुरीको घार apiary केक्पो़आ़ दुन भ्वान्दु़खो सु़र ख्वान्नु। If a marten touches the beehive, the bees go away. Made of a hollowed out section of a tree trunk with a lid where a bee hive is kept, often near a Khaling house See सु़र
दुना़ dunä pres. दुन्दु़ v प्रकाशको किरणले अन्धो पार्नु be blinded by (strong) light impersonal
दुनि ख्वाम्ना़ duni khwaamnä pres. दुनि खोबु vp शोक गर्नु mourn a dead person
दुन्दु़ dundü pres. of दुना़
दु़प्ला düplaa n फेङ्ला mat woven of bamboo, used in religious rites.
दुब्लाख्वाम dublaakhwaam dial. var. दु़क्लाख्वाम threshing floor n खला threshing floor
दुमा dumaa dial. var. धुमा a lot, too much, too late adj धेरै, अति too much, too late , a lot दुमा घ्रिम्ता़, दो ख्वाह्की! It's late, let's go!
दुमा घ्रम्ना़ dumaa ghramnä pst. दुमा घ्रिम्ता़ it got dark vp रात पर्नु get late impersonal, only past tense
दु़मा़रे dümäre n काँचको ठुलो बटुको, थाल bronze plate, bowl arch
दुमि dumi n दुमि राई Dumi a Rai group who live along the Rawaa Khola, closely related to the Khaling
दुम्बु dumbu n लोग्ने, पोइ husband with poss prefix See मेइ
दु़लु़मा़स dülümäs n आँकुरो herb used for fodder; the seeds are eaten like lentils Vicia hirsuta
दुलेइ मु़ना़ dulei münä pres. दुलेइ मङा vp डुल्नु, हिँडे़र कतै जानु stroll, take a walk, walk around without purpose
दु़वा़ düwä adjp अड्कोपड्को somehow useful
दुस dus n गर्भवती, दुईजिउको pregnant woman
दु़स्दु़स्पो़ düsdüspö n पाको very old person
दु़स्पो़ düspö gramm. var. of उदु़स्पो़ elder son n 1 ठुलो (उमेर) elder with poss prefix 2 जेठो, जेठी elder person, elder son/daughter
दुस्मा़ dusmä n ग र् भवती pregnant woman
-दे de v > n sfx ने nominalizer, added to verb stem घ्रक्दे, फेइदे, खइदे handle, ladle, comb (hand-made as opposed to to the market - bought item)