ना़चा़ खम्ना़näcä khamnäpres.ना़चा़ खप्तुvpकस्नु, बाँध्नुtighten forcefully, strangleउगो़आ़ उताक्चु ना़चा़ खप्ता़।He strangled him with his clothes.
ना़थु़मा़näthümädial. var.ना़था़मा़nलाब्रे किराcaterpillar, hair-shooterLarge, grey or brown; lives in trees or on the ground, color is adjusted to its surroundings, when touched its hairs get into the skin and cause infections because they are difficult to extract.
नाना़naanädial. var.नना़choke (on food, liquids) pres.नाङ्ङानान्दुv1थुपार्नुpile up2सर्कनुchokeकुआ़ इनकता।(When drinking ) the water went the wrong way.
ना़मnämadvपर्सिthe day after tomorrowना़म अवा़पो सु़र्का़म गो़।The day after tomorrow my (older) brother's wedding takes place.उना़मपोका उकम ओ़स्ता़।On the third day he returned home.