Khaling - Nepali - English

निन देल्‍मेnin del‍menpमाइजूauntwife of mother's brother, term of address and of reference
निन्‍याङ्मो़nin‍yaangmönफुपूचेलाrelative ( father's sister's family)
निन्‍वामnin‍waamnपरमेश्‍वर, ईश्‍वरGod the Creatorनिन्‍वामआ़ इसेइदेकि।God is watching us all (benevolently).निन्‍वामआ़ इन इगेइनिये।May God keep you. Lives forever, sustains human beings as well as all other creatures
निन्‍वाम मुक्‍दे भयाnin‍waam muk‍de bhayaanस्‍वर्गparadise
निन्‍वामपो ब्रा जेपा़nin‍waampo braa jepänअगमवक्‍ताprophet
निन्‍वाम‍रिधमnin‍waam‍ridhamnनामproper namethe first woman in Khaling myth
निन्‍वामरिबा़न्‍दा़रिnin‍waam‍ribän‍daarinसधै, बारम्‍बारalways, continuouslyनिन्‍वामरिबा़न्‍दा़रि तुङा ब्रा मा़जा़।He/she talks about the same thing all the time.
नुnunमन, दिमाग, मगजmind, sense, thought, intention
नु़advअसल, राम्रो, हुन्‍छgood, alrightRootनु़ना़
नु अइलु़ना़nu ailünävpमन मुटाब हुनुbegrudge, bear a grudge, be inimicalमा़ नो़लका अमसु दरम छु़किति, मा़का ला़ल नु अइलु़इथेरिति।From that day on they became friends, before they were enemies.
नु अवान्‍ना़nu awaan‍näpres.नु अवात्‍तुvpपश्‍चताप गर्नु, पछुतो गर्नुrepent, regretनिन्‍वामथा अनु ओतु।I repent before God.
नु आ़न्‍ना़nu än‍näpres.नु आ़इङाvpइन्‍कार गर्नु, नमान्‍नुrefuse, declineअवेआ़ खा़प्‌‍चि फिलो उङा अनु आ़न्‍ना़ मुचा़बु।If my brother asks for money, I cannot refuse.
नु़ ओ?nü ointerjहुन्‍छ?may I? (asking permisssion to do sth)वोना़ नु़ ओ?May I come in?
नु कर्‌ना़nu karnäpres.नु कुरुvpसोच्‍नु, योजना राख्‍नुkeep in mind, remember (sbd)synमम्‍ना़
नु क्रम्‍ना़nu kram‍näpres.नु क्रप्‍तुvpमन शान्‍त पार्नुbe at peaceइखाप्‌‍चि झाम्‍ता़खोयो, इनु क्रप्‍ते!Though you lost your money, do not worry.अनु मुक्रम्‌सि। I am worried.
नु क्रम्‌‍सिना़nu kram‍sinäpres.नु क्रम्‌‍सिङाvpसहास गर्नु, चित्‍त बुझाउनुhave strong feelings, burn with passion
नु खेना़nu khenäpres.नु खेङाvpजाँच्‍नु, मन चोर्नुexamine
नु घ्‍लाना़nu ghlaanäpst.नु घ्‍लाङ्‍ता़vpमन जित्‍नुovercome one's feelings, thoughts, hesitation