नु़चु़रु़nücürünटुसाsprout, shoot which keeps growing back again and again
नुना़nunädial. var.नना़sufficepst.निकताvपुग्नुsufficeअतेमका तङ्ङा जा़क्वाइआ़ ओक इनक्तका।Only from this year, we had enough to eat.usually past tense
नुना़nunäpres.नुगुvमाड्नु, कुल्चनु, मल्नुrub, pat, massage, press hardइतम्चु ङेइखो नु़गे।If your knee hurts, massage it.
नु़ना़nünäpres.नु़ङाvसन्चै हुनु, निको हुनुbe in a good state, feel good, improve, recover (from an illness)Rootनु़