नुबि लइना़nubi lainäpres.नुबि लइvpबुझ्नु, सम्झनुmemorize, keep in mindअनुबि ब्रा दला मुलइना अमा़मआ़ इभर्ङा।If I don't keep that (matter) in mind, my mother scolds me.impersonal
नु़मा़ना़मnümänämnसदगुणgoodness, goodइन मारि नु़मा़ना़म इमु।How great is your goodness!नो़ल मुना़ नो़ल इनपो नु़मा़ना़म छुना़ यु़नपा़ गो़।The day of rest is made for your good.
नुमेnumenनन्दsister-in-lawTerm of address for husband's younger sister; used by a female speaker
नुरिnurinआशा, तृष्णाhope, expectation, desireहसपो उमेस्बा़नुरि मुमोन्ये।Don't lust after another man's wife.