Khaling - Nepali - English

याह्‌किमyaahkimadjमन पर्दो, राम्रो, आकर्षक, चाखलाग्‍दोfavorite, nice, attractive, interesting, likable
यिउyiunभात, खानाcooked rice, millet, corn, or wheat, gruel, full mealयिउ इजु़ता़ ओ?Have you eaten? (greeting when meeting in the morning)main meal, eaten twice a day, with the staple of millet, corn, wheat mush or rice with lentil soup, a vegetable soup and for special occasions, meat
-युyufr. var.-यु़dirsfxतलbelow, downwardsSee-गोयुfr. var. of-गोयु़
-यु़fr. var. of-यु
युउyunपैतालाको चिनोfootprintwith poss prefixsynयुउमोङ
युउमोङyumongnचिनोtoken, footprintsynयुउ
युकाyukaaadvउ, तलbelow, down
युकुमyukumadvतलकोthat one down there
युङ्‍कुyungkunनदीको नामInku rivername of a river flowing through the Khaling area
युतुफेलेyutuphelenधुलो, पीठोpowder, dust
युना़yunädial. var.यना़pres.यिगुvपिँध्‍नुgrind (grain)उदिच्‍छा़ दिच्‍छा़ लुजाफल यिगु।Early in the morning I grind the millet (flour).
यु़ना़yünävसृष्टि गर्नुcreateनिन्‌वामआ़ कोलेका ला़ल धाम कोलो बयानिया यु़ना़।In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.
यु़ना़मyünämdial. var.युना़मnबर्खाrainy seasonbeginning May/June, ending September/October; planting of millet and paddy depends on the rains; fields are irrigated by rain water contained by small dams around the rim
यु़न्‍पा़yün‍pä1adjबनाएको, सृजना गरिएकोcreated2nसृष्‍टिcreature
युरyurgramm. var. ofउयुरnअनुभूती, insight, perception, understanding, awareness
यु़लyülnहुस्‍सु, बादलhaze, heat haze
येना़yenäpres.येङाvझार्नु, पर्नु, खस्‍नुdescend, come down, fallझेसतु़ नोङ ये।In the high mountains it snows.वो़ याता़।It is raining.
येन्‍ना़yen‍näpres.येदुvल्‍याउनु, ओराल्‍नुbring down