Khaling - Nepali - English

येप्‍सङyep‍sangnथुर, रूखको सुकेको हाँगाdead wood, dry branch
येम्‍ना़yem‍näpres.येमयेमुendure hardshipv1दुख भोग्‍नु, सहनुendure, suffer (hardship), bear with sbयेम्‍ना़ मझा़प्‍पा़ दु़क।Unbearable suffering.2सुक्‍नु, खरिनु, खेर जानुwither, dry upपुङ्‍मा़ येम्‍ता़।The flowers withered.
येम्‍ना़yem‍näpres.येपयेप्‍तुv1खिइनुwear out, break from use and ageहालो येप्‍ता़।The plow is worn out.non-human2झिम्‍क्‍याउनु (आँखाले)blink, wink (with eyes)अमस येप्‍तु।I blink with my eyes.
येम्‍भाक्‍पा़yem‍bhaak‍päadvप्रशस्‍तै, काफी, यथेष्‍टenough, more than enough
येवा़मyewämnपाल्‍टिdipper, bucketयेवा़मआ़ कुवाबिम कु वा़बेWith the bucket, get water from the well!A rope is attached to draw water from a deep water hole or well.
योyoadvपनि, लगायतalso, even
योyonखोला, नदीriverSeeकवा
=योyoconjबित्‍तिकैimmediately, as soon as, as long asबजार ला़म्‍थन्‌सिङतायो वो़ याता़।As soon as I was going to the market, it rained.
योकुyokunनदीको पानीriver water, sea, ocean
योङ खा़न्‍ना़yong khän‍näpres.योङ खा़त्‍तुvpकाम गर्न बार्नुrefrain from work because in order to perform religious duty
योङकिyongkinलहरे झरherbused for making ropes
योङ्बेमyongbemnबिनायोJew's harpMade of bamboo, it often is a gift from a young man to a young girl, it may be intricately decorated, worn as an accessory on one's clothes.
योचमyocamnठोट्‍नेshrubUsed for fodder, the young shoots may be made into a sour pickle.Polygonum molle
योतेलyotelnबालुवाriver sand
योद्फो़yodphönचरा (ठूलो कालो)bird (big black)
योना़yonäpres.योङयोङुv1पग्‍लनु, बिलाउनुmelt (snow, ice, salt, etc)non-human2बार्नुrefrain from (food, work), observe or avoid (certain days)क्‍वाम योङु।I fast.usually as a religious duty or for health reasons
योना़yonäpres.योक्‍तुvसार्नु, अर्को ठाउँमा लानुmove, transfer, transplant, move house or cattleshed, change