Khaling - Nepali - English

रा़निräninठुली, जेठीeldest daughterterm of addressarch
रा़न्‍ना़rän‍näpres.रा़त्‍तुvछान्‍नु, रोज्‍नु, ओगट्‍नुchoose, select, prefer, reserve, occupy (seat, time, etc.)उङाने झप्‍लाम ला़म रा़त्‍ता।They went to take possession of their allotted places.ताम तामपो चा़रिभया रा़इबि खो़स्‍ता़नु।They went to take possession of their allotted places.
रा़न्‌सिना़rän‌sinäpres.रा़न्‌सिङाchoose for oneselfvरोजिनुchoose for oneself
रा़प्‍चुräp‍cunलट्‍ठीstick, broomstick
राप्‍छाraap‍chaanठाउँको नामRapchaRapcha is a Khaling village in Basa VDC of Solu Khumbu district, on the west side of the Dudh Kosi
राप्‍छामोपrapcamopraapcaamopnखालिङ देउताKhaling deity
रा़प्‍देräp‍denलौरो, कुट्‍ने साधनstick, threshing stick
रा़म्‍ना़räm‍näpres.रा़बुvपिट्‍नु, कुट्‍नु (लट्‍ठीले)beat (with a stick), thresh, whip
रा़म्‍ना़räm‍näpres.रा़मुvडढ्‍नु, पोल्‍नुscorch, burnमि फा़रबि ङाइकिलो, गो़ रा़म।If you sit close by the fire, your clothes get scorched.
राराraaraadial. var. ofरबा
रा़रा़प्‍चुräräp‍cudial. var.रा़रा़प्‍चाnझाँट्‌ने लौरोthreshing stickforked branch, used to thresh things like soy beans or lentils
रारुraarunबिउ, बिजनseed, seedling
रा़लrälnखजुरोcentipede Its poisonous stinger causes paralysis which slowly recedes over a couple of years.
रा़स्‍होपräs‍hopnराजप्रतिनिधीhigh ranking official, authority of the government
रिrinumआठ, आठौeight
रिrinधागो, पोयोthin thread, strand of rope, anything thin, fine, and longधोसम रि, सो़ले रिone strand of hair, strand of thread or woolरो़ यामु़किलो तुतु रि यामु़ना़ मत्‍तु़।Paddy seedlings must be planted one by one.
रि नु़पा़ri nüpäadjpमिठो, स्‍वादिलोtasty