रेन्ना़rennäpres.रेइङाbe dislikedvहाँस्नुlaughमारि रेस्ता़नु।They laughed til their sides ached.
रेन्ना़rennäpres.रेत्तुvउध्याउनुsharpen, whet (knife etc)अमा़ उबेथो रेत्ता़।He sharpened his khukhuri (knife).
रेपrepnखस्रुwoolly oakthe hard wood is used to make hammers, plows and other implements, the leaves provide fodder, but now this tree is almost extinct from forest firesQuercus semicarpifolia
रेपमा़ धोचेरrepamä dhocernpगहुँको प्रकारwhite wheat Not as common as "black wheat".
रेपामा़repomärepaamänखप्टे किरो, आलु खाने किराpotato bug