Khaling - Nepali - English

वा़nदाजू, दिदीelder sibling, elder brother, elder sisterterm of reference, prefixed with poss. pronoun; as term of addreess, it is followed by the sibling number name, the relevant kinship term or the "nickname"; it also serves as a general term of respectful address and reference for persons older than the speaker.
वा़ दु़स्‍पो़wä düs‍pönpआदरणीय व्‍यक्‍तिrespectful address for older person, adult
वा़ देल्‍मेwä del‍menpभाउज्‍यू, दाजूको स्‍वास्‍नीsister-in-law, elder brother's wifeAs a term of address, it is also used in a general sense as address of respect for a married woman.
वा पा़ल्‍ना़waa päl‍näpres.वा पा़लु़vpघुमाउनु, बेर्नुwind aroundRootपा़ल्‍ना़
वा़ रुदाwä rudaanpदिदी (आदर गर्ने शब्‍द)elder sisterrespectful term of address
वा़ वेहा़मwä wehämn1दाजुभाइbrothers2दिदीबहिनीsisters3दाजुभाइ - दिदीबहिनीsiblings
वाआ़ कन्‍ना़waaä kan‍nävवाकवाकी लाग्‍नुfeel nauseated
वा़इwäin1आँख्‍लोspace between joints of bamboo, interval2नापmeasure of length from elbow to finger tips
वाइ बयाwaai bayaanpठाउँको नामname of an area in the village of Khastap
वाइकमwaaikamnभण्‍डारstorehouse, storage place
वाइताwaaitaanवन साङ्‍लोcockroach
वाइता स्‍वान्‍ना़waaitaa s‍waan‍näpres.वाइता स्‍वात्‍तुvpसराप्‍नुcurse, wish evil (for sbd)
वाइना़waainäpres.वाइवान्‍दुv1अट्‍नु, पस्‍नुcontain, fit in, holdघ्‍वाल्‍पा़ लङबि घोले घास वाइ।The big basket holds a lot of fodder.inanimateRootको वाइना़2उठाउनु, हुलाउनु, भित्र्याउनुbring in, drive in, fetch, fit inबइ वान्‍दुनुI drive the cows in.गो़हा़म वान्‍दु।I'll fetch the laundry.
वा़इना़wäinäpres.वा़न्‍दुvछुटाउनु, कहिलेकाहीँ आउनु, बिराउनुinterrupt, separate (space, time)वा़इतो होये!Come sometimes!
वा़इमे मन्‍ना़wäime man‍näpres.वा़इमे मुदुvpझुक्‍क्‍याउनु, छक्‍क्‍याउनुdeceive, lie, lead astray
वा़इलामwäilaamdial. var.वा़इलमnनामproper namecharacter in the Khaling myth
वा़इसोलोwäisolofr. var.वा़इshinnनलिहाडshin
वाकुwaakunवाकु (गा.वि. स.)village on the east side of the Dudh Kosi valleyThe population of this large village consists of Khaling people and Nepali speaking Magar. The latter originally came to work in the copper mines there