Khaling - Nepali - English

सइमन्‍ना़saiman‍näpres.सइमुदुvफलाउनुtend a field (lit.: to cause to bear fruit)
सकचेउsakaceunpगिट्‍टे च्‍याउfungusan edible fungus; when raw it is chewy like leather, but tasty when cooked in soup
सकम्‌‍रिsakam‍rin1बिमारीlong illness, terminal illness2मृत्‍यु, अन्‍त्‍येष्‍टिको तयारdeath of an adult, funeral preparationsसकम्‌‍रि मत्‍तु़।A death occurred, and the funeral preparations must be made.
सकरsakarnसुटुनीsweet potatocultivated, harvested in winter and eaten boiled for a snackIpomoea batata
सकल्‍मकलsakal‍makaladjpजस्‍तोतस्‍तोjust like
सकाsakaanछालाskin, fur, bark, leatherSeeका
सका फेर्‌पा़sakaa pherpänpसार्की, चर्मकारleatherworkerKhaling name for leatherworkers
सकावा़रsakaawärnगाई गोरूलाई सराप्‍ने शब्‍दcursing cattle
सक्‍फा़रsak‍phärnरूखको ठुटो, जरोstump
सक्‍सा़मsak‍sämnमुख्‍य जराsource, main root (that goes down deep into the ground)
सगवा़sagawädial. var.सा़गु़वा़n1कोख, गर्भwomb, embryo, unborn childउसगवा़ स्‍वाल।She has a miscarriage.
सगुsaagusagupres. ofसाना़
सङsangn1रूखtree2काठ, दाउरा, मुढोwood, firewood, log
सङका़मsangkämnकाठको कामcarpentry
सङका़म मु़पा़sangkäm müpänpसिकर्मीcarpenter
सङ्‍कमsangkamnभण्‍डारwood shed, store housea two storied shed, built of stone at one end of the court yard, also used to put up guests if there is no space in the main house
सङ्‍कुसुमsangkusumnखबटा, रूखको बोक्रोhard bark of a tree
सङ्‍खा पिपिsangkhaa pipinpजुरेलीbulbulPycnonotus leucogenys