Khaling - Nepali - English

सरप्‍लेsarap‍len1झिँगोhairy brown fly2मरेको मान्‍छेको आत्‍माspirit of dead person
सराsaraanसरहcommunal share material things in wedding or funerals etc. like food and drink are contributed by neighbors
सर्‌कुsarkunमैलो पानी (प्रयोग भइसकेको पानी)dirty water
सर्‌ना़sarnäpres.सर्‌दुvढुक्‍नु, चियाउनु, पर्खनुwatch, wait quietly and secretly, lurk, ambushबिर्‌मो़आ़ इसपो़ ल्‍वाम्‍ना़ सर्‌देता़।The cat kept waiting for the rat to come out.
सर्‌ना़sarnäpres.सुरुvधुनु (भाँडो, सागपात, लुगा आदि)wash (hands, dishes, vegetables, clothes, etc.)इखर सु़रे!Wash your hands! (idiomatic invitation to eat)
सर्‌लेना़sarlenäpres.सर्‌लेदुvढुक्‍नु, चियाउनु, हानि गर्न, खोज्‍नुlook, watch
सर्‌सिना़sarsinäpres.सर्‌सिङाvनुहाउनु, हात खुट्‍टा धुनुbathe, wash oneself
सलsalnछेस्‍को, सिन्‍कोsplinter, thornSimघ्रङ
सलमsalamnचिहान, समाधिgrave, tomb According to Khaling custom, burial sites are normally near the house of the deceased. The body is wrapped in new white cloth and buried. over the grave, a roof made of a bamboo mat is placed and stones put around this space. A white flag marks a new grave site. Various rites are performed to ensure that the departed soul finds the way to the resting place of the dead and does not return to trouble the surviving family
सलम्‌चो़salamcönमलामीmourner at a funeral
सल्‍ना़sal‍näpres.सल्‍दुvमर्मत गर्नुmend, repair
सल्‍पा़sal‍päadjचलाख, फूर्तिलो, सक्रियclever, smart, active
सल्‌‍सिना़sal‌‍sinäpres.सल्‌सिङाvपन्‍छनु, भाग्‍नु, लुक्‍नुdisappear, hide
सवा अर्‌ना़sawaa arnäpres.सवा अर्‌नुvpघेर्नु, घेरा हाल्‍नु, जम्‍मा हुनुsurround on all sides, assemble, gather all aroundबुप्‍लाआ़ उमा़म सवा अर्‌नु।The chickens surround the mother hen.only plural
सवा मम्‍ना़sawaa mamnäpres.सवा मप्‍तुvpआक्रमण गर्नुjump on sbd, attack
सवालsawaalnलम्‍बसूत्र, साहु सूत्रplumbline