Khaling - Nepali - English

गगर्‌या सेइना़gagaryaa seinäpres.गगर्‌या सेन्‍दुvpगडेर हेर्नु, टुलुटुलु हेर्नुstare, look straight, look intensely, see clearly
गन्‍ना़gan‍näpres.गुदुextend (in length)vभ्‍याउनु, पुग्‍नु, भेट्‍टाउनुextend (in length), sufficeरिबआ़ मुगु़दु़।The rope is not long enough.तेफेम ब्रा असनवा़ मुगु़दु़।I cannot understand these things.
गम्‌‍सिना़gam‌‍sinäpres.गम्‌‍सिङाhide oneselfvलुक्‍नु, छल्‍नुhide oneself
गल्‍ना़gal‍näpres.गुलुcovervढाक्‍नुcover (the head), cover (to protect from cold), cover (clouds)अछाहा़म झुङबि गो़आ़ गल्‍ना़ मत्‍तु़।Babies should be covered for protection from cold wind.
गल्‌‍सिना़gal‌‍sinäpres.गल्‌‍सिङाcover oneselfvढाकिनुcover (oneself)
गाक्‍पो़gaak‍pödial. var.गगाक्‍पो़कागnकागcrowCorvus macrorhynchos
गाङ्जोमgaangjomnमाकुरोcrane fly, daddy long legsखुट्टा लामो हुने एक प्रकारको माकुरोfamily Tipulidae
गाछिgaachinघाँस खुवाउन सकिने रूखtreethe leaves provide fodder
गा़न्‍ना़gän‍näpres.गा़इङाbe free from workvफुर्सत हुनु, भ्‍याउनु, समय हुनुbe free from work, have leisure, have timeआ़नो़ल फ्‍लो़लु़ना़ इगा़इओ?Do you have time to help me?अमस नो़ङा मुगा़स्‍स का़म मङा।Without a moment's rest I am doing all the work.
गा़पेर कवाgäper kawaanpखोलाको नामname of a brookname of a brook that flows through the village of Khastap
गालबेgaalabenखुम्‍ले किराlarva
गिगिखमाgigikhamaaadjहरियो, हरियो देखिनेgreenish
गिगिमgigimadjहरियोgreen, blue
गिगिमिमgigimimadjहरियोgreen, deep green
गिग्‍लोमgig‍lomdial. var.गिग्‍लमनिलो चराnचराsmall blue-green bird, verditer flycatcherMuscicapa thalassina