Khaling - Nepali - English

धकपाdhakpaanभत्रइblack-headed shrikeLanius nigriceps
धनका़पdhankäpnभाँडोpotलोकोन्‍तेआ़ धन्‍का़प कु़रु़।The best-man carries the (ceremonial) pot.carried by best man at wedding
धन्‍ना़dhan‍näpres.धत्‍तुvसम्‍भोक गर्नुhave sexual intercourse
धप्‍लुdhap‍lunठुलो ढुङ्‍गा, चट्‍टानbig and heavy stone, rock
धमdhamgramm. var. ofउधमmountain, hill, range, ridgenडाँडा, पहाड, अग्‍लो ठाउँhill, mountain, mountain range, ridgewith poss prefix
धम्‍देdham‍denफुकुनिbamboo tube used to blow into the fire to make it burn strongly.
धम्‍ना़dham‍näpres.धमripen fitधु़मु़v1पाक्‍नुripenसो़लेम्‌‍सि धम्‍ता़।The wild grapes are ripe.non-human2मिल्‍नु, सुहाउनुfit, match, (be) appropriate, deserveमा़ तो़पि धम ओ मुधम ओ?Does the hat fit or not?झेदु़ का़म मु़पा़आ़ नो मन्‍ना़ धु़मु़।He who does evil deserves punishment.
धम्‍ना़dham‍näpres.धम्‍दुblowvफुक्‍नुblowअमा़ भम धम्‍दु़।He blows the horn.अमा़ मि धम्‍दु़He fans the flames. (by blowing through a section of hollowed out bamboo)
धम्‍पा़dham‍päadj1पाकेकोripe, ripened2सुहाउदो, मिल्‍दोequal, fitting, matching
धय सोलोdhaya soludhaya solonpखप्‍परscull of dead
धया फुलdhayaa phulnpखप्‍पर राख्‍ने ओडारskull cavethe skulls of the dead are kept there
धयाधमdhayaadhamnखप्‍परेskull hilltranslation of Hebrew "Golgatha"
धरन करनdharan karannpप्रतिज्ञाmarriage promise
धलुdhalugramm. var. ofउधलुdown, downward south1advतलdown, downwardwith poss prefixantखोतु़synउधलु 1gramm. var. ofधलु2nदक्षिणSouthwith poss pron
धा़dhänचरा (एक प्रकारको)nightjarCaprimulgus asiaticus
धा़कु़रिdhäkürinकपडाको सानो टुक्राsmall piece of clothsewn onto bhaangaraa at the armholes and at the back of the neck as decoration and to prevent tearing
धाङ लु़ना़dhaang lünäpres.धाङ लु़ङाvpमान खोज्‍नु, इज्‍जत खोज्‍नुreceive respect from one another
धाङ लु़ना़dhaang lünävpमान, भाउ खोज्‍नुdesire
धा़ङा़यु़dhängäyügramm. var. ofउधा़ङा़यु़procrastination, slownessnढिलो, बोदोprocrastinationwith poss prefix