aakvtlead s.o by the hand, steady s.o by holding handtuntun, menolong org lain berjalan dengan memegang tanganaa'akonVRED- AAK -onvtleading s.o by the handsedang dituntunSumakit dati i tama dialo diri tu aa'akon yo.Maybe his father is sick because [he is] leading him by the hand.Mungkin ayahnya sakit kerana sedang dituntun olehnya.aakoAAK -ovt implead s.o by the handtuntunAako duyu yalo tu amu kabaru.You lead him by the hand because [he] doesn't have strength.Kamu payang dia sebab, sebab dia sudah uzur.aakonAAK -onvtlead s.o by the handdituntunOtoluod-i yalo tu aakon no dialo ilo taki yo mindakod, tu amu kabaru.He is [clearly] loving because he leads his grandfather by the hand going up the stairs because he doesn't have the strength [to go up alone].Dia sangat merasa kasihkan atuknya sebab, dituntunnya semasa naik ke rumah.mangaakm- pong- AAKvtlead s.o by the handmenuntunAbagos yalo mangaak dilo tanak yo, mumbal nogi mamanaw.She is diligent to lead her child by the hand who is just learning to walk.Dia terlalu rajin menuntun anaknya yg baru belajar berjalan.minangaak-in- m- pong- AAKvled s.o by the handtelah menuntunDuwo okoy dit pinsan ku ot minangaak dit todu yah mongoy sid rumasakit.My cousin and I led our grandmother by the hand going to the hospital.Saya berdua bersama saudara ku yg telah menuntun nenek kami pergi ke hospital.naak-in- AAKvtled s.o by the handtelah tuntunNaak ku i Aki tiya dit sumunsuy dit jambatan.I held my grandfather's hand when we crossed the bridge.Saya telah tuntun atuk saya sewaktu meniti jambatan itu.

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