*ekarEng. acrenekaracreekarnekaracreDuwo ekar ne tana sid botung diri.Tanah di sawah padi itu hanya dua ekar sahaja.There are just two acres [of land included] in that paddy field.seekarnseekarone acreSeekar no natanaman ya di iyay do paray toon beno.Aku dan emak hanya dapat menanam padi seluas seekar sahaja.Mother and I planted just one acre of rice this year.vmenyukat ekarmeasure in or divide into acresekaronvdisukat mengikut ekarmeasure in or divide into acresAwasi ong ekaron pe tana sid sokid diri.Adalah baiknya kalau tanah di bukit itu akan disukat mengikut ekar.It would be good if this hill land were measured into acres.kooekarvbaru diekarjust recently measured into acresKooekar do porinta it tana di toon.Tanah itu baru diekar oleh kerajaan pada tahun yg lalu.This land was measured into acres last year.neekarvekaracresAmu elaan ong piro neekar no it tana sid rumantay diri.Belum tahu lagi berapa ekar sahaja tanah rata itu.It's not yet known how many acres are in that flatland.nikarvsudah diekarmeasured into acresNikar dîiri do porinta it tana ya tu aso pot garan.Kerajaan telah mengekar tanah kami kerana belum bergeran.Now the government has measured our land into acres because we don't yet have a deed.peekaranvsuruh mengekarcause to measure into acresPeekaran do porinta it tana sid sokid diri.Suruh dulu pihah kerajaan mengekar tanah di bukit itu.Have the government measure the land on the hill into acres.

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