lansad11vsit or lay on the floor without a matlapik, dasar rumah (yg dibuat drpd papan, dll)lansad2LANSADvsit on the floor without a matatas lantaiLansad kow nopo mogom, asot biday ya dot pangalapis.Just sit right on the floor; we don't have a mat to cover it.Kamu terpaksa duduk atas lantai sebab, kami tdk mempunyai lampit pengalas.linumansad-in- -um- LANSADvsat on floorlapikAraraatan oku dot linumansad-i yoalo modop dot aso tikam.It felt bad to me that they just slept directly on the floor without a mat.Saya merasa tidak senang hati kerana mereka tidur di lapik begitu saja tanpa tikar.lumansad-um- LANSADvsit on floorberalas lantaiLumansad koh-i modop dino tu, asot tikam ya.Sleep directly on the floor because we don't have a mat.Awak terpaksa tidur atas lapik sahaja, kerana kami tdk punya tikar.2vinstall floormemasang lantaimangalansadm- pong- LANSADvinstall floormemasang lantaiAmu po nopongo mangalansad it walay ya, niyanan ya no.We were not yet done installing the floor and we moved into the house.Belum pun siap memasang lantai pada rumah kami, kami sudah mendiaminya.

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