n'cfaoba n'11prepandnaetBekidi nebeogama. Bákidi nabáogama.We came mourning. They came mourning.2advwith, havenaavec, avoirNege n'Oboto.I am going to Lubutu.
n'okomɔphr. advfrom the eastkwa magharibide l'estKa mbimba, mani aojuana n'okomɔ.In the morning, the sun comes out of the east.
na1conjandOmari na Katinga báge.Omari and Katinga have left.2prepwithavecOkidi na bukpɛkpɛ?Have you come with strength?3preptoàNege n'ObotoI am going to Lubutu.
ndaki-ongainf. var.badaki-ongacfjuɛbɛnlastbornkitinda mimbadernier-néKa sɔphɔ ndea ayi nende mbomi-onga na neoba ndaki-onga.From the womb of my mother I am both the first and last born (the only child).