ophembe1n2nhardwood tree species with large, horizontal branches, of which the bark is eaten by rodentsaina ya mti nguvuespèce d'arbre dont le bois fort est dur, avec des larges branches horizontales, dont l'écorce est rongé par des rongeurs3nceremonial staff to which flowers and greens have been tied, carried frequently at opening ceremoniesfimbo ya wenye cheobâtons des dignitaires, liés en gerbe
ophendɔnwage, payment, indemnitymshaharasalaire, indemnisationOphendɔ á mbhɛdi-ekuma aotoka k'ekuma ndeakɛ.The worker's wages come from his work.
ophiainf. var.lophiavblow-pulizasoufflerBaniki báophia nsa.The children blow on the fire.
ophombonriverine edible mushroom speciesaina ya uyoga uota pahali pa majisorte de champignon comestible qui pousse au marin