Komo - Anglais/Swahili/Français
ba 1 v be here kuwa être là ?Omari abe? Is Omari here?
baa 1 v 2 v tie together the framework of a house kalata, fungua nyumba fermer une maison en liant 3 v oppose oneself to, set oneself against olewa opposer qqn.
bá- pfx third person plural subject prefix wa- préfix de la 3ème personne plurielle
baan v be in conflict pambana s'opposer
baba v feel for something in the dark, grope -papasa palper Aoba n'ookaba kema ka kaiphiɔ, oobaba. If you search for something in the dark, you feel for it.
babɛ 1 num two mbili deux cf ibɛ 1 Nekondi bakɔkɔ babɛ. I want two chickens 2 adv as two viwili en deux Bétambɛ babɛ nna kɔbɔbɔkɔ. Should we walk as two, there is no fear.