Komo - Anglais/Swahili/Français
bha n hunting lodge in the forest kibanda cha uwimba hutte pour des chasseurs
bhaa v separate, remove covering, such as thatch from a roof -tenga séparer, écarter Derivative bhais
*bha- adv behind nyuma ya derrière
bhabhangu n long thorn mwiba refu na kubwa une longue èpine
bhais Derivative of bhaa v advertise the quality of one thing over another -onisa uzuri ya, -eneza sifa ya montrer la qualité de qqch.
bhakijɔ n roof paa toiture Nɛbhɔbhɔti bhakijɔ endu ndɛamɔ na kasa. I thatch the roof of my house with leaves.
bhama cf mama 2 nama adv day after tomorrow kesho kutwa lendemain cf k'esa nde Bhama bákábɛku n'ekuma. The day after tomorrow, they will have no work.
bha-mama n day after tommorow kesho kutwa lendemain
bhangɛa v make a bed -tengeneza kitanda préparer un lit
bhasa n drongo aina ya ndege sorte d'oiseau
bhatendu adv backyard nyuma ya nyumba derrièr la maison
bhe n a fish un poisson Nyama á bhe na mbongɛ nna kimoti. The meat of the bhe and that of the carp are not the same.
bhebha v glorify, praise -tukuza, -sifu glorifier,louer cf obhebhɔ Báombhebha mkpa ambe agi kema anja. One praises one who has done a good thing.
bhenga n frog species aina ya cura sorte de grenouille
bhenganisa v compare, exchange comparer, échanger Báobhenganisa baniki-nke. One exchanges young women (as wives).
bhetua 2 v limp -enda chopi boîter Aoba mkpa n'etumani k'ecinji, aobhetua. If someone is injured in the foot, he limps.
bhetua 1 v invert -fudukiza renverser (sens dessus dessous)
bhetu n torch of war mwenge luciole
bhɛbhɛta n unripe rice mpunga riz sur pied pas encore múr
bhɛda v get, take -pata prendre Bhɛda á kema nana ndɛakɔ ande kuba. The taking of something that is not yours is a theft. Derivative bhɛdanaga bhɛdaneaga bhɛdɛkan
bhɛda ekuma Phrasal Verb of ekuma *** work kufanya kazi travailler
bhɛdanaga Derivative of bhɛda v work -fanya kazi travailler
bhɛdaneaga Derivative of bhɛda v use -tumia employer, se servir Boko báɔbhɛdaneaga nkoso ka dhɛma á ciko. Men use machetes in clearing fields.
bhɛdɛkan Derivative of bhɛda v start work, be taken up kwanza kazi commencer du travail Ekuma ndɔ abhɛdɛkani. That work has been taken up.