Komo - Anglais/Swahili/Français
sa v criticize behind the back, gossip teta critiquer dans l'absence
saa 1 v carry on the shoulder or with the arms -pakata porter sur les épaules ou sur les bras Boko báosaa buku. Men carry their panier on their shoulder.
saa 2 n body hair, fur, coat manyoa poil Ngando nna na saa. The crocodile does not have body hair.
saba 2 v embrace busu, kumbatia embrasser
saba 1 v annoint, paint paka oindre, peindre Báosaba baniki gamba. One annoints the children with oil
saga n year miaka an Saga moti a na songe nkama na ibɛ. A year has twelve months.
saia v undergo the ordeal required of circumcision initiates mateso ya watohara épreuve éxigé sur les initiés de la circoncision
saka v lance -kata, inciser Báosaka kibhisa. One lances an abcess.
sake cf nsa n firewood kuni unaokauka bois de chauffage
sakoa cf nsaku 1 v take -kamata enlever 2 v care for
sakɔa v treat, medicate -uguza soigner
sakpa n tree species for which the bark is used as a fish poison aina ya mti ngozi yake hutumiwa kwa dawa ya kuuwa samaki sorte d'arbre dont son écorce est utilisée comme poison pour tuer les poissons
sama v open the mouth fungua kinywa ouvre la bouche
samba 2 v be sick kuwa na ugonjwa être malade Aoba noosamba, kobɛ na bɔkpɛkpɛ. If you are sick, you are not strong.
samba 1 v share -gawa partager
samba 3 adv hello jambo salut Bagbɛga, samba! Elders, hello!
sambɔa v lift up -nyanyua soulever, lever Miki nnaosambɔa kema adoko. A child cannot lift heavy things.
sana v quarrel, argue -gomba disputer Moko na nkakɛ báosana. The man and his wife are arguing.
sandagbɛ n African goshawk kozi épervier Sandagbɛ aǒgoa baniki á kɔkɔ. The hawk attacks chicks.
sangane n red-white colored snake aina ya nyoka una rangi rangi sorte de serpent qui est coloré en rouge-blanc
sange n tree forest tree species sorte d'un arbre qu'on trouve en forêt
sani 1 n selfishness, ambition ego1/4sme cf emani etu
sani 2 cf emani mana n dispute, argument ugomvi querelle, dispute Sani nnaokoisa nji. Disputes do not prolong the village (prov. avoid misunderstandings between brothers).
sanisa v reprimand, censure -gombeza reprimander, censurer Bánaonsanisa ntɔa-ngobho. One does not reprimand a sick person.