Komo - Anglais/Swahili/Français
ta 3 v gather -kusanya ramasser Bake báota euu á k'etoa. Women gather the garbage of the cookhouse.
ta 1 v hunt by means of a projectile -winda chasser à flèche, à fusil, à lance-pierre Baniki báota bambaú na mujɛɛi. The children hunt birds with slingshots.
taa v abstain from food -funga kula kwa sababu ya chuki abstenir
tabokana v lament -lia se lamenter, crier
tabokanaga v complain because of inflicted suffering
taia v mount, rise, overflow -panda monter, déborder
tais v mount -pandisha monter
takana v meet, encounter -kutana na racontrer
takua v chew -tafuna dévorer, mâcher Mosa á mia eea, beotakua. Before swallowing food, we chew it.
tamba 2 v walk -tembea marcher syn kɔba 1 mɔkɔbɔ Miki aǒgoaga tamba. The child is teaching itself to walk.
tamba 1 v suffer -umwa souffrir cf mɔkɔbɔ
tambanja cf egabhɔ n gift given to a traveler cf bukambia gabha
tambea v comport oneself se comporter
tambis 2 v guide -ongoza guider
tambis 1 v persecute, oppress -tesa, -zulumu persécuter, opprimer
tambua v reach inside -toa sortir qqch.
tana v redden, rust kuwa wekundu rougir
tanda adv not even, without bila sans, rien
tandoa v run from the horizontal branch of one tree to that of another -tembea kwa tawi avancer le long d'une des branches horizontales qui va d'un arbre à l'autre
tanga v count, read out loud -hesabu, soma compter, lire à haute voix Neǒtanga baniki boko boku. I count five children.
tangaaga v be surprised -shangaa s'étonner