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decoration (small shells)iꞌierentraditional decoration made from bidibidi shells tied on a stick and tucked into the gaara armbandkaukauerentraditional decoration made from small shells on a string
decoration (welcoming decoration)amicfamihuondecoration made from sago palm to welcome visitors
decoration typekamukiocfkamukiomapandecorative clothing worn to cover the front and the back of someone's bottom when dancing. Worn by men, women, and children. Has a nice smell.kimukundecorative clothing made of leaves that covered the front and the back of the bottom.maatantraditional decorationmaea2ntraditional decorations for dancing made of a hornbill feather and the seed of the giido plantmumuro2ntraditional ornament
decorative shellbidibidintraditional decorative shell like a one kina coin
defecateeerivpass stool, defecate
deflate (plural objects)iapipiitivdeflate numerous items
deflate (single object)apipiitivdeflate, take the air out of a ball or anything that has air in it.
delete (once)apihimaivrub out one thing with a single motion Made ipi gaa'ui memiho-ka, apihimai. One word in the middle is wrong, rub it out.
delete (repeatedly)apihitivar.apioutivrub something out with repeated motionsAtai apihiti, atai emeheai.Rub one out, leave the other.
deliver upstreamimodo 2vdeliver upriver to more than one person
deny (once)aratuhevdeny once for yourselfIdi uubi iooꞌumoi-da, moo-ro ruu ai-piratuhe. When the police came, I denied that he was out.omoaꞌiaivtelling someone I don't have these things, I do have this
deny (plural things)iatuhevdeny many things
deny (repeatedly)aratuhutifr. var.aratuutivdeny repeatedly; either each person deny it for themselves, or one person deny repeatedly for themselfRii turiaha aratuhuti-kaThey each denied it.Roo aratuhutiꞌa moo dubai roo-ro ahiai!Do not keep denying that you cut my bananas!atuhuti 1vdeny repeatedlyomoaꞌiaitutivrepeatedly deny that you have something, or have to do something
deny (to people)imatuhutivdeny, lie or trick many peopleRoo uubi eito imatuhuti bia, irai Aiai Iehovai-do ematuhuti.You have not lied to people, but you have lied to God.
depart (by boat)ahiꞌiiaivdepart, leave, paddle offRimo aiha piroroumo peei-da, ka ahiꞌiiai-ka.We got into the canoe and paddled off.7.2.4Travel
descendooruoHLLsp. var.oruovdescend, go down, climb downMoo ai-rooruo.I'm coming down (the steps).Auoi ruu tamai riboi ibomai-da ooruoi omahoroi-ka.When the snake smelt the smell of his body, it started to come down.7.2.4Travel
descend rapidlyaaꞌeematidiovgo downwards or sidewards rapidlyRuu-ro aa'eematidio gaboi orobu po'io pee kerei-da, tetu. She rapidly declined on the slippery piece of canoe on the road yesterday.
desertedmuioHLLadjdeserted or vacated place, people are not living thereAaꞌo ooboi iemidiodio goꞌoto muioi-da, duoi-ha odai-ka paꞌeai araimai-ka.As for the woman left by herself in the deserted village, at night she would go to the garden and return.
designtitindesign, pattern, drawing, writingMabu ruu tutu ooꞌai aꞌai, kamia ahu-ka, mea titi rautu-ka.because this kind of shoot is long and strong and a good design can be woven with it.Ara titi madei doꞌou ihahai tauo obodii maaka.This written message has come true today (already just come true).6.6.5Artunspec. comp. formtiti mapaunspec. comp. formtiti tiato mapa
designstiti-titindesigns, writings, decorationsBadareꞌe ri tamu rautu-ka, mia titi-titi kaumo.Butterflies have wings that are colourful.
desirebobo 2var.boboꞌocfbobobobo-bobondesire, a hole in ones life, such as a du-bobo (food hole) for hunger or obo-bobo (water hole) for thirstDui boboi iihiai raꞌai!I will starve! (lit: I will die of a food hole)Moo-ro Stiky odu'ai-ka, moo du bobo-ro rohiai-ka, moo rio-ka hora emiꞌei du ma ruuho.I told Sticky that I was hungry (lit: had a fod hole) and that I wanted to rest and eat.Ara meree-ohio ruu obo-bobo pa'ai, iri go'otai pioro.This boy was thirsty (lit: had a water hole), so he climbed the coconut.
destroy (by fire)iruro 1vburn and damage or destroyDohoito erai-da ma rimadiai-ri, ka horohoroi iruroi aꞌai.After that we set fire to the rubbish and burn it up.EIDI buꞌi erai aibo-ka, gaaꞌubuo masisi hurai-da aradiai-ka, turiaha buꞌi iruroi aꞌai.AIDS is like a bush fire, lit by just one match, that burns up the whole forest.Ara merei obo erarai-ro emadoꞌa ka mia erai-ro imiruro.The pot of hot water tipped onto the man and burned him.7.9.1Damage5.5Fire
destroy (one)agogoiavpull down and destroy something, such as a house