a-cfam-advpfxQuestion Marker for a polar (yes/no) questionPeei ameaꞌaumo? - ImodudioCan you see the canoe? - It's there.Umo amiꞌi ka?Have you understood?
aabeeꞌevwhen a watercourse (river, drain, well) extends itselfAra oomoi ihaha aabee'e.This river is really getting wide.
aabooriavwhen a mother puts the breast into the baby's moth so that it will start sucking milkMeree daodaoi amoi aboriaPut the breast in the young child's mouth.
aabusp. var.abucfoaabuHabaabudiovgo across, go out, swim acrossAbui omahoroi-ka irooꞌu tuiai gaꞌe hiꞌai-da, auo geemai aiha peibua.When I came to the middle of the river, a very big snake appeared.Mereei ioriꞌoi-da boroi gaboi-da ai-pabu, ka ruu aaꞌo boroi eida pabu, gaboi ipi-da.While the child was playing the ball went out onto the path, and he went out onto the path to get that ball.7.2.4Travel
aabudioPl.AbsiaabudioPunctaabuvcross a river, creek, drain, by means of a bridge or log
aabuodoaicfoabuodoaivgo out a little way by itself, but not all the way acrossTuiai eito abuodoaiGo out a bit to the middle
aadivsponge something to make it coolerDubu obo gua'oi-da aadi tamai erara-ka.With cool water, sponge the man's hot skin.
aadohomaiIteradohutivsettle down, calm down (waves, or upset emotions)
aadooꞌavspill, pour out a whole container of liquid so that it makes a messAra mereei obo erarai-ro emadoꞌa-ka mia erai-ro imururo.The pot of hot water tipped onto the man and burned him.Oboi-ka dubui obo guaoi-da emadoꞌa-ka.Pour cold water onto the man.Uro rarai-re mia tama rarai-re obo erarai-da ma-imadoꞌai.Wash your bedding and clothes with hot water.1.3Water
aaheevboil waterAra dubai pari ai-aahe. This pot of bananas is boiling.
aahuuadj1strong, steadyantpapa2hard, difficult to break or crackPamukiri: ruu geega hura-ka, mereri aibo-ka, irai ruu tamai aamiꞌai aahuu-ka, aamiꞌai hoobobo-ka.Pumpkin: it is a large fruit, like a melon, but its skin is hard in some kinds, soft in others.
aahuꞌiocfaahuꞌiodoaiv1push away, or push out a little way, the way the tide pushes something a small distance2reject, say "no"Maaka-ro pahui'o iema'aimo raai. Mark rejected what they gave.
aahuꞌiodoaicfaahuꞌioaahuꞌiodoaitutivpush out a long way, give a big push so that something goes a long way outOboi ai-oruo pei ita aahu'iodoai. When the water is going out, it must push the canoe out