gaapapacfkairi1maikerentraditional song and dance performed in combination with kairi and maikere.
gaaracfadiotiti-gaaran1arm protector for shooting bow and arrow2band on the leg or arm while dancing, without shells for decoration4.2.4Dance
gaara 2armband
gaara 2armband
gaaꞌenthe deep middle part of a riverAbui omahoroi-ka irooꞌu tuiai gaꞌe hiꞌai-da, auo geemai aiha peibua.When I came to the middle of the river, a very big snake appeared.
gaaꞌuadjoneMapaio ato uro gaaꞌu-ka, himio atai piroꞌumo Baimuru.We slept one night at Mapaio, and the next day came to Baimuru.8.1.1Numbercomp.retoꞌa-gaaꞌuthreeunspec. comp. formora-gaaꞌuone blood, family, blood relatives
gaaꞌubuoadjoneRuu rautu reto'a-gaa'u dububai'o-ro poo'umo, reto'ai peei-da pioidio, gaa'ubuoi rautu pidiai ruuHe came with three men, two stayed in the boat, and one came up with him.8.1.1Number
gaaꞌu-haadvtogether, as oneKiauka adimoi rimoibi gaaꞌu-ha piriodimo goꞌotoi eito, raarai rautu turiaha.In the afternoon we-3 went back together to the village, with all our things.Hiiro hi'a uubi gaa'u-ha emidioi-da moto gaa'ui-da, turiaha TiBi gimoi-ro imidai a'ai.When many people stay together in one house, they will all catch the sickness TB., contact
gabiꞌabicfkirikontraditional head-dress made out of shell money from the 'sundial' family of shells
gagaꞌo1n1dead, crisp, dry and brown leaves and stemsHioi-da moo-ro duu-paha gagaꞌoi iahioi-ka, bomoi muhoi ematomutii-ka.Then I set to cutting some dry sago leaves, and put them together and lit them, in order to singe the hairs off the pig.Ida ruu-ro paaꞌo, "Ma emeꞌaꞌaire memiho mereei, gagaꞌoi goroi-da."Then he answered, "See the evil person between the dead sago leaves."Applies to palm and bamboo leaves, especially. torch made from bunding and lighting dry leaves of coconut or bamboo
gaheꞌevspecies of tree, commercial name bombexbombex sp.