Browse Kope – English



-osfxa polite thing to say after a name or title when talking to someone directly, a formal way to talk to someoneHimabu-o, roo-ro piromodoboa.Himabu-o, you did the wrong thing to me.Odadeai moo re'ei-da, Paidubu-o! Moo memiho dubu-ka!Go away from me Lord-o, I am a sinful man!Luke 5:8
oaabuTransomoaabucfaabuRefloroaabuvtake a thing across to the other side, such as a tide taking a log, or someone sitting in a canoe while someone else paddlesPei oaabu hapuo atai eitoTake the canoe to the other sideRii-ro oabui-ka oomoi hapuoi, tauo-ka imodauo. They carried him to the other side of the river sitting in the canoe.
oaatueTransomoatuevkeep, hold, stopRuu peei ai-oatue rurubui-to. He is keeping his canoe for himself.
oaaꞌeevtwist something
oaaꞌeediovmake something twist and turn, go this way and that wayLike a child having a tantrum, or trying to rebalance a wobbling canoe, or a canoe following an irregular course, or the twisting motion used to remove a post from the ground.
oabereaTransomoabereavsplit, tear
oabereutivsplit apart
oabuodoaiTransomoaabuodoaicfaabuodoaivpush or take something out a little wayPeei ma oabuodoai-ri gomoi eitoTo push the canoe out a bit into the deep.
oadomoRefloroadomovprick, poke, inject, spear (continually)
oadomodivpoke, prick, pierce (something), give injection, spear (once)Oroi-ro tamai ai-amoadomodi, kehi temeteme bia.If the prickles prick you they can be quite painful.Ka moo otoi ikokoi-ro aiha piroadomodi.But I trod on a nail and it went into my foot.Ara urioi rira oboi meree uupi beibi rirai oadomodi.This picture shows a nurse giving an immunisation injection to a baby.7.9.1Damage
oaduꞌaivar. ofoduuꞌaivtell
oaduꞌoTransimoaduꞌutiomoaduuꞌoomoaduuꞌutiRefloroaduꞌovtalk, tell, explainMoo odii oraduꞌoi raꞌai, moo rati-da duburie ka oroaduꞌuti raꞌai.I am going to tell a story - I am going to talk about where I came from.Moo iohi hepui oaduꞌoi raꞌai, hepu hiꞌai ma omabai-ri, raara matei upi-ha ma apoꞌoumoi-ri.I will explain about compost for enriching the soil, so that plants will grow healthily in it.Kiauka roo-ro aaꞌo emerai ha idiꞌamoi aꞌai, epui iroaduꞌo-ka aiboi.Then add more in the same way as explained above.6.1Work
oaepeꞌutivmove quickly from side to side
oaheevsplit (e.g. a leaf)
oaheitivsplit many (leaves)
oahemaiPl.Absimaaheemovdip one thing, push it into the water
oaheutiPuncoaheꞌavtear, rip, split into piecesBuꞌi-da auoi-ro ro uuhoi-da, roo dubu-urioi aiha ma oaheuti imimi-ha, ka roo auoi-ro roo uuho reꞌei ma orotohiti pupuoi-toIf you are bitten by a snake in the bush, tear up your shirt, and tie above the place where the snake bit.7.9.1Damage
oaheꞌadial. var.aboaꞌeaGoWIteroaheutiRefloroaheeꞌavmake a cut along, split, tearResi oaheꞌai-ka, mabu goroi odudio oboi geema-ka.You must make drains, because there is a lot of water just under the surface.6.2Agriculture
oahoplimaaho2ioahondawn on (one person), rise over (one person)
oahuꞌomaiHaboahuꞌodiovshowsynoaꞌeemia 1
oaidaivtake things awayHeamo raarai oaidai aꞌai turiaha.He will take away all his weapons.Moo giꞌepu madei roaidai.Please accept (take away) my apologies.