uaeanokari tree, the nut is sweet to eat; The bark can be used as a cough treatment by steeping it in cold water until the water is black, then drinking, which helps someone to cough up sputum. Used for canoes. Yellow terminalia tree.terminalia sp.1.5.1Tree
ubiontaro-like plant growing wild in swampy ground, leaf can be used as a cup. Grows near wells, and the leaf can be put into the well water to improve the smell. It has a very nice smell similar to aniseed or liquorice.
ubu2n1raised lump on a surface, such as a bruise, knob or bumpsynkopi8.3.1Shape2tree knot, bend in tree branchunspec. comp. formtuu-ubu3leaf scar on palm trunk
udingame similiar to hockey played in a field by two teams
udoonanger, enmityMoo udo hiꞌai piraꞌai-ka.I got really cross.Rii-ti iemidioidoi-da udo bia - iha meai pemidiodo.There was no enmity between them - they lived very happily together.synriohe3.4.2.3Angry
udu2nspecies of pandanus with red fruit that is medium sized, with thicker leaves that have three corners that are not sharp, they are not cooked, but the juice from the leaves in squeezed in to be cooked with red sago.
uesp. var.uuensugar caneUe: ruu tutuu hiꞌa-ka, itoi aibo-ka, irai roo-ro ruu oboi-bobo ereꞌai-da, roo ruu uuhoi aꞌai.Sugar cane: it is very tall, like pitpit, but when you feel thirsty you will eat it.6.2Agriculturecomp.ue hohocrown of sugarcane plane, including flower stalk
ue hohocomp. ofuehohosp. var. ofhoohooncrown of sugarcane plane, including flower stalk
ueenflat-bladed arrowUe kereida bomoi ohuti ka.Then we cut the pig with the blade.The head of this kind of arrow is sharp on both sides and is made of magore bamboo, up to 30cm long, fired from a very strong bow.synteba6.7Toolunspec. comp. formuee-gaꞌaibow and arrow used for hunting pigs or people
uee-gaꞌaiunspec. comp. form ofueegaꞌai1nbow and arrow used for hunting pigs or people
uekerenbamboo-bladeUekerei-da boomoi ohuti-ka.Then we cut the pig with the bamboo knife.6.7Tool