Browse Kope – English



-binsfxthreeDoꞌoi moo umo-ka, Abea, Meree, Urioi, rii-bi retoa gaꞌu-ka.Now I know the Father, Son and Spirit, the three of them.Ka rimo-ha piriaꞌa rimoi-bi-ha, moo uamui ire rimoi-ti.It looked at us three, my husband and the two of us.
biaadv1notOboi-ro aipoi aꞌai bia.Women do not clear the bush.Hioi-da iridiri biai pirimahiꞌitimo.When we started pulling the starter rope, it didn't work.Ka kimai aꞌai bia, aiha pirodaumo goꞌotoi eito.And we did not go fishing, but returned to the village.Roo umo bia, ubii obototoi goroi orohodi amaꞌai dumoo ruꞌa amoti.You don't know whether someone is underneath the wharf, or whether there is a log there.Moo rio bia peei-da oidioi.I didn't want to stay in the canoe.Karati ato pirodaumo Iraua. Irai sikuri bia, aaꞌo rai-ri hoboi piremidio.We went from Karati to Inaua. But there was no school, and so I just stayed at home., not2no
bidibidintraditional decorative shell like a one kina coin
bidibidi baꞌenshell belt ornament
bidibidi baꞌeshell.belt
bigurunspecies of tree, commercial name black mangrove
biibiinperson who eats too muchBiibii-ro rimo dui tauo-ha ipoio maaka. The person who eats to much finished our food.
bioman1sperm2species of tree with hard wood that has thick red bark and grows very tall
bioma obonsemen
biri1ndoorsyngohe 1
biri3Motucfemianthatch, borrowed from Motu, emia is the traditional Kope word
birikereinblackboard, chalkboardBirikerei-da iati'aDo not write on the black board.
biꞌicfbaꞌomuti3nstage in crab life cycle between muti and baꞌo, when it has changed its shell the previous night and is very soft and very smooth.
bobovar.boboꞌocfbobo-bobon1a hole that has been dug in the ground, e.g. a wellEpu hiꞌai boboi ma oboboi, ka ipi-da ma emeheai.First of all dig a pit, but stop before going too deep.7.8.6Dig2desire, a hole in ones life, such as a du-bobo (food hole) for hunger or obo-bobo (water hole) for thirstDui boboi iihiai raꞌai!I will starve! (lit: I will die of a food hole)Moo-ro Stiky odu'ai-ka, moo du bobo-ro rohiai-ka, moo rio-ka hora emiꞌei du ma ruuho.I told Sticky that I was hungry (lit: had a fod hole) and that I wanted to rest and eat.Ara meree-ohio ruu obo-bobo pa'ai, iri go'otai pioro.This boy was thirsty (lit: had a water hole), so he climbed the coconut.
bobo-bobocfboboadjfull of holes
bodoEnglboardvar. ofbodi
bogorionsmall intestine
bohonwarUubi hi'a hi'o tauo piruuho, Bavi uubi iaraa bohoi-da gaa'ubuo e'e pai'iamo.I had already eaten human flesh, when the Bavi people were at war, they had killed one.Ao-ra Aio-ra boho ubii-ro tauo iimotomama kaumo!Our mother and our father have already been killed by the war people!
boiꞌorosgboꞌu1interrogwho (when talking about more than one person doing something)
bomanfirstborn child, or first fruits that bearKiauka, ruu boma mereei aiha pooto ohio, hipurai-da omoomai-ka, boromokai duui ihodioumo ipuai-da, aiha pomutaꞌa.Ahe gave birth to her firstborn child, a son, she wrapped him with cloths, and laid him in the place the cows ate from.
bomo1sp. var. ofboomo