Browse Kope – English



emaꞌoidiomanyimaꞌoidiovlook after, keep an eye on somethingRoo emidioi, motoi emaꞌoidio. You stay and look after the house.
emaꞌotiaitutionceemaaꞌovsneeze or cough repeatedly
emaꞌoutifromaꞌoutivstitch something for someone, such as mending a net, closing a wound, or making new item.Mose emaꞌouti, kaiai-da ororuꞌuai. Moses is being stitched up as he cut himself with the knife.Pauro-ro irugai Mamiꞌoo titi-da emaꞌouti maaka. Paul stitched the iruga (bucket/basket) for you with the Mamiꞌo mark.
emaꞌuaivmake full
emaꞌumianbend over low
emedeaivmake it really nice
emederifromederifreqemederitivpull a few times, for one person or one reason
emederitionceemederinrepeatedly pull at something
emedeꞌafromedeꞌavtput something somewhere for someone
emediiꞌaHHLLLpleemidivjump one timeMoo peei barai-da irotoꞌai-da, emedi'ai-ka, oboi eito.I stood on the side of the canoe and jumped into the water.synemagauriai7.2.1Manner of movement
emeenlaplap, traditional piece of cloth used like a laplap and made from the bark of the hipura tree
emeegeihovif something is inside, you take it out.
emeeteHLLLvweepMiha, idebi mamu, moo remete.Rain, mother of tears, cry for me., tear
emegivjumpRimo ai-piremegi kaame obo-totoi ohui-da.We were jumping off the wharf.7.2.1Manner of movement
emeheaimanyimeheaihabemeheidiovt1leave (someone or some place)Himioi ioahoi duoduoi motoi emeheai-ka, ruu omaꞌati omahoroi.When the sun rose the next morning he left the house to start his work.Moo abeai-ro moo emeheai-ka, moo aramu abea-ra mamu-rai rautu.My father decided to leave me with my grandfather and grandmother.Ka ata himioi-da piremeheai-do Kikori rimoi-ti araimai-doiri goꞌotoi eito.And one day we left Kikori for the village.Rii-ro moo emeheai-ka abeai rautu Baimuru ato.They left me with my father at Baimuru.2stop (trying to do something)Ka ruu-ro moo abeai pemaaꞌo, "Roo-ro ruu aiꞌia emeheai."He strongly told my father, "Stop hitting him."Moo eremaabei aaꞌo emerai-ha remeheai.I leave my warning at that.
emehebovcurse, cause something bad to happenRuu-ro ihiai piremehebo. He was cursing me to die.
emeheidioplimeheidioonceemeheaivleave behind, remain back
emeheꞌafromeheꞌavthrow one thing at another thing
emeheꞌeaifromeheꞌeaivturn something aroundHoho atai aiha pomoꞌoi, aiha pemeheai hoho atai imotohiti, ipi aiha pomomoꞌoi.He tied one end, turned it round and wrapped the other end, then tied the middle.Irememeheꞌeai duumo, oꞌoi rioi eito.We turn it up to the position, where the inside can be shaped.6.1Work
emehiati1transerememehiatiimemehiativshakeUmui hiei-da hepatoi imemehiati-ka.Then the dog shook his ears out. back and forth
emehiati2va small sudden cut, such as to let the puss out of a wound
emehiipoplimahiipovtalk badly about someone, what is said may or may not be true, but will probably make the person angry if they find out what was said