hiaꞌenspaceAaꞌo himioi tuiai oboi aru hiꞌa-ka, goꞌota hipi goroi hiaꞌe ata ooꞌa bia.At that time the tide was very high, and there was not much space under the coconut roots., space
hibanbanana that grows tall and is dark green in colour. The bananas are long and only good for cooking on the fire or boiling.
hiba deꞌanplant in the ginger family, "crocodile ginger", the roots are used to make the back covering on a decorative skirt
Hidocfruruona legendary characterHido's story is told to young people to finish their initiation. It includes ruruo, the song that finishes an initiation.
hiiponshy, quiet person, not talkative; not an insultKiauka hioi-da pitoi hiipoi ruꞌai hoꞌui-haito pioro.Immediately the cuscus shyly climbed up into the top of a tree.
hiipo-hiipoadjvery shy, very quiet, not talkative, not an insult
hiiroadjmanyRimo-ro hitoi raara hiiro ibit rimotutidio kaumo.We weave traditional bags to carry many things inside.TB muramurai hiiro-ka, roo emaho'outi modoboi-ha ma idioituti.There are plenty of TB medicines, you must drink the right amount every day.8.1.1Number
hiiro-hiiroadjplentiful, very manyDu-mamui ruu oto hiiro-hiiro hi'a-ka.The millipede has very very many legs.
himanobserve, spectateHima aꞌaiꞌa, imodadeai atai-ro rituo-ha omihiai aꞌai. Don't (just) watch them, separate them, one will kill the other one!Roo rati eito modau? Ooꞌu dirigi hima rodau. Where are you going? I'm ging to watch the coming dinghy.
himamontraditional items of value that were used for exchange, including miri, mabuo, bidibidi, iiere, akore, maata, poto, gaara, gabiꞌabi, maea, kamukio, mumukiri, kepa, muti, kiriko, koa, pete, hada, haoo, bidibidibaꞌe, and kimuku.
himiaadvby (one's) selfTehata hiꞌai, moo himia piraraimai, goꞌoto, pairai Veraibari-ato.Recently I was coming back by myself from a village called Veraibari.Merekehi oboi goroi-da himia-ha pioro.The child emerged by himself from under the water.Moo himia aiha pirahiꞌiai.I myself left.syntimaha9.2.3.1Reflexive pronouns
himia-himiaadveach one by itselfAra uubi himia-himia peei-da odai odau kaumo Kikori-to.Each person is going in their own canoe to Kikori
himion1sunHimioi-ro imaahoi-ka.The sun came up.1.1.3Weather2dayHimio ata ruu oomoi barai pimada'ui...Another day he walked to the river bank...3timeAa'o himioi-da rimo Kope made uubi aami'a ai-poma'atimo.At that time some of our Kope people worked (in Port Moresby).8.4Time