1.5.1. Tree

amai2ntree species with wax like sap that is used to join a spear to its handle. Papua New Guinea Lapome or calophyllumcalophyllum sp.1.5.1Tree
Piece of amaai bark, with sapamai2tree.sp
aamai sap used to join a spear head and spear handleamai2tree.sp
amaai treeamai2tree.sp
cutting in amaai bark to retrieve sapamai2tree.sp
aro-ipicomp. ofipi 3piecenfloating log1.5.1Tree
aro1ntree species which grows in salt water and is used for timber, commercial name amoora1.5.1Tree
barabaranbig tree species with round leaves and thick white bark, commercial name bass woodendosperm sp.1.5.1Tree
bedoro1cfaibi2nkwila tree, possibly a word borrowed from Kerewointsia bijuga1.5.1Tree
bubuꞌiantree species of the mangrove cedar; a good hardwood for building and firewood; has a large round fruit that is no good for eatingXylocarpus granatum1.5.1Tree
burion1rosewood treepterocarpus indicus1.5.1Tree2year, as the rosewood tree flowers in January, it is used as the word for year.Ata himioi moo oboi-re retoꞌa gaꞌu burio meree-kehi rautu goꞌu pirodaumoOne day I went out fishing with my wife and small two-year-old child.8.4Time
burio 1rosewood
burio 1rosewood
burio 1rosewood
damurentree species, walnutdracontomelon dao1.5.1Tree
dede-ubaunspecies of tree, yellow cheesewoodsarcocephalus coadunatus1.5.1Tree
diomontree species for making canoes, as well as for producing oil, has long leaves and reddish wood, camphorcamnosperma1.5.1Tree
doodo2sp. var. ofdoodo1nbuttress root, upper root of tree1.5.1Tree
domontree species1.5.1Tree
dudurentree species with small leaves and soft wood, commercial name white or brown aibizia.1.5.1Tree
duuꞌiindark, shadeKa Iora iha mea duꞌi pemaꞌai.And it gave Jonah very good shade.Baagi du'i-hato ohu'oi-ka.Bat only comes out when it is dark.Himioi hapuoi-ada iradi, ata hapuoi du'i-ka. The sun is shining on one side, the other side is in shadow.1.5.1Tree
eburu1ntree species with round edible fruit, the size of an apple1.5.1Tree
ekeplekeꞌeken1branchAaꞌo ruꞌai paha tiato-ka, ekeꞌeke beha-ka.That tree had no leaves, only bare branches.1.5.1Tree2hand (of bananas)
ekeꞌekesgekenbranches and twigsRuꞌa ekeꞌeke ami'a gaꞌu-gaꞌu-gaꞌu-ha ruꞌa pahai rautu.And then some twigs together with some leaves.1.5.1Tree
erii1ntree species with hard wood that makes long lasting canoes; commercial name Wau Beechelmerrillia papuana1.5.1Tree
gahon1species of mangrovesyniꞌareꞌe21.5.1Tree2fish trap with same shape as fruit from gahoo tree
gaho 1mangrove.sp
gaho 2fish.trap
garuaentree species, has medium sized seeds that are not edible1.5.1Tree
garentu-lip (two-leaf) tree (Gnetum gnemon). Leaves and seeds are good for eating. Fruit changes from green, to yellow, to red.1.5.1Tree
gaubuntree species, pink satin woodbuchania sp.1.5.1Tree
gaꞌabintree species used for making canoes.commersonia sp.1.5.1Tree
geaHMgeangum tree1.5.1Tree
gomogomona variety of fig tree that can grow to 10m high, has sticky white sap1.5.1Tree
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