
aatuUramacfbomo-uhoncatfish variety, largest in size, which can grow to more than a metre in length, yellow in colour1.6.1.5Fish
bomo-uhocfaatumatubanyellow catfish of a very large variety, more commonly found near the coast1.6.1.5Fish
eebaannurseryfish (Kurtus gulliveri)
eꞌuaivcatch (fish with line)Odai-ka, tahoi ioboi-ka, kimai aꞌai-da, raai eꞌuai-ka.They would go looking for prawns, and throwing lines they would catch fish.
gaboransawfish (Pristis microdon)
gaiꞌuanfish species1.6.1.5Fish
gaihancommon threadfin (Polydactylus plebeius)
gaugaꞌunvery small prawn sp, tiger striped1.6.1.5Fish
gaꞌi1nsmall prawn species, tiger-striped1.6.1.5Fish
gegerenfish species1.6.1.5Fish
geeꞌuanbarred mudskipper (Periophthalmus argentilineatus), up to 15cm long, good to eat1.6.1.5Fish
goomanbanded archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix)
googoo1nfish species1.6.1.5Fish
goꞌunact of looking for food, especially fishing or crabbingAta himioi moo ooboi-re mereekehi rautu goꞌu pirodaumo.One day I went out looking for food with my wife and small child down the river.Ka boomoi ihi mipai go'ui ia'ai-da... Where the pig was searching for food...
guruerengiant trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
guuꞌuanfish species1.6.1.5Fish
hairanlesser spangled emperor fish (Lethrinus nebulosus)
hoganblack-finned long-tom (Tylosurus acus melanotus)
hokakenpale river perchlet (Ambassis agrammus)
hoomanfish species1.6.1.5Fish
huubentiny prawn species1.6.1.5Fish
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