6.2. Agriculture

adoutiTransemadoutiIterimadoutiPuncadooꞌavpour water onto (someone or something, more than once)Julius, Reed otoi adoꞌuti.Julius, wash Reed's feet.
aipoTransemaipoemaiputiIteraiputivclear, make a clearingEpui-da roo-ro mati aipoi aꞌai.First you must clear the bush.Rimo oio goꞌoto aipoi raꞌai kaumo.We will clear a new village.6.2Agriculture
beumansoft, small to medium species of bamboo, with multiple uses. It is yellow with green stripes.Moo-ro beuma ito itai raꞌai.I will cook using the bamboo.5.2.1Food preparation1.5.4Grass, herb, vine6.2Agriculture
boꞌu2adjripe, used for most fruit, but not nipa fruitRetoa gaꞌu dubai boꞌu paipai.Three big ripe bananas.Rogu: Ruu boꞌui boroio-ka, ruu goroi ihai oratoti-ka, ka ruu ihai hobobo-hakaPawpaw: When ripe it's light green, and inside it is really orange, and it is very soft.6.2Agriculture
dubainbananaDubai ruu tutu-ka, ruu hi'ai komukomu, paipai, tutuꞌutu.Bananas can be long, very short, big or very long.Ruu-ro patu gaaꞌu dubai ahiai-ka itai.She cut one bunch of bananas and cooked them.6.2Agriculture
goꞌotaLHLncoconutRuu hurai, hurai uuhoi-ka, oboi idioi-ka, ruu ruꞌai aibo iiꞌii-ka tutu hi'a.Its fruit are edible, and its water drinkable; it is like a tree, with a tall trunk.1.5.2Palm6.2Agriculturecomp.goꞌota obothe drinking water of a green coconutunspec. comp. formgoꞌota tuutucoconut that is nearly drytuutu goꞌotaa coconut that is changing from green to dry, you can hear the water when you shake it
huracfiha1n1fruitMereri: Ruu geega hura-ka, ruu ihai goroi oratoti mia idiꞌidi hura keeke.The melon: a large fruit whose centre is red and and there are little black seeds.Mea-hiꞌa ruꞌai-ro memiho hura imamirai aꞌai bia, kamia memiho ruꞌai-ro mea hura imamirai aꞌai bia. A good tree does not bear bad fruit, and a bad tree does not bear good fruit.Luke 6:436.2Agriculture2eggMomo'oi hurai tauo piotuti, toto rioi-da. The bird has already laid eggs in the nest.3coinKamia oobo ata teri (10) mori hura-hura rautu-ra, ida amaatoai ata gaaꞌui, ruu raꞌu aꞌai maꞌai?If a woman has ten coins and loses one of them, what will she do?Luke 15:8
iohi-hepuvar.iohu-hepuncompost; ground gathered in a heap for planting inMoo iohu-hepui oaduꞌoi raꞌai hepu hiꞌai maꞌomabai-ri, raara matei upiha ma apoꞌoumoi-ri.I make compost in order to enrich the soil, so that plants will grow healthily in it.6.2Agriculture
iodouti1sgaarovplant various thingsAaꞌo didimoi ruato iodouti-ka raa-matei.After that he plants suckers.Retoꞌa omaꞌati didimoi, roo-ro dubai, mariota, kamara, uumi, ue, rogu, ture, iodouti aꞌai.Finally you must plant bananas, cassava, sweet potato, uumi-taro, sugarcane, pawpaw, and ture-taro.syniboo 16.2Agriculture
itona tall grass widely known as pitpit, whose young flower-heads are cooked and eatenIto: Ruu tutuu hiꞌa-ka, uei aibo-ka, irai ruu ipii iiho dioumo bia.Pitpit: It is very tall, like sugarcane, but it's stem is not eaten. This is the only edible species of pitpit in the region. The soft fibrous flower heads are picked before they mature and open, and are cooked in coconut milk. It is different from the Highlands pitpit (Setaria palmifoli).Saccharum edule6.2Agriculture
kamaraMotukaemansweet potatoRii tamai aami'ai oratoti, boroio, kamia rii topo hi'a ka gobe, roo-ro uuhoi-da.Some of them have purple skins, or yellow, and they are very sweet and thick when you eat them.synrori6.2Agriculture
kaitaporovar.kaisaporonsoursop or custard apple6.2Agriculture
maagorevar.maaꞌorenbamboo species used for knife or razor blade6.2Agriculture
mate1nplant sucker, young shoots of a new plantMoo iohi hepui oaduꞌoi raꞌai hepu hiꞌai ma omabai-ri, raaraa matei upi-ha ma apoꞌoumoi-ri.I make compost in order to enrich the soil, so that plants will grow healthily in it.Raaraa matei iaꞌaa hauꞌii-daka.He was looking after the seedlings in the field.6.2Agriculture
meimeinpineappleRuu geega-ka, topo-ka, mia ruu rio boroio-ka. Ruu kekai tama oroꞌoro-ka, aamiai tamai oro bia.It is large, sweet, and its inside is yellow. It's outer skin is spiky, though some have no spikes.Meimei obo ma idioi.Drink pineapple juice.6.2Agriculture
mereriEngmelonnmelon, watermelonRuu geega hura-ka, ruu ihai goroi oratoti mia idiꞌidi hura keekee.It is a large fruit whose centre is red and and there are little black seeds.6.2Agriculture
oaheꞌadial. var.aboaꞌeaGoWIteroaheutiRefloroaheeꞌavmake a cut along, split, tearResi oaheꞌai-ka, mabu goroi odudio oboi geema-ka.You must make drains, because there is a lot of water just under the surface.6.2Agriculture
pamukirinpumpkinRuu gega hura-ka, mereri aibo-ka, irai ruu tamai ami'ai ahu-ka, ami'ai hobobo-ka.It is a large fruit, like a melon, but its flesh is sometimes hard, sometimes soft.6.2Agriculture
paꞌeangardenGoꞌoto uubi-ro du, paꞌea du imorohoi-ka.The village people would bring us sago and garden foods.Ruu-ro aaꞌoi-ka, "Moo robodo!" Rii-ti odai-ka paꞌeai.He said, "Follow me," and they went to a garden.6.2Agriculture
patunbunch (of bananas, betel nut, coconuts)dubai patubunch of bananas6.2Agriculture
raa-barisp. var.rabarinedible leafy vegetables, greens, including umia, garebari, kaha'uae, gaabi bari, baabai, gaamire /riioriio, muumuuku, muuri, gigibi, and pamahi.Umui-ro pitoi emaꞌoi-ka: "Ruꞌai hoꞌu behai-ha ita oraꞌoiadio-ka, raabari kaupaꞌe."Then the dog cursed the cuscus: "You will have only the tops of trees to hunt in, and have to fill up on green leaves."Rii raabari iho kaumo, pamahi.They ate greens, aibika (in particular).synkabesi6.2Agriculture
reꞌunsucker, shoot of a young plantDui reꞌui amiꞌai ata dubu Kaimare hapuoi-da pomooꞌu.Another man brought some sago suckers from the Kaimare area.6.2Agriculture
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