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-ꞌacf-aikevsfxdo not, a prohibition on an actionIdebi a'ai'a!Do not cry!Toe a'aimo'a!All of you, do not fear!Ka rii'o himia ipituiai-da omahoroumo'a oromoadu'uti araibau... Don't start saying among yourselves...
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-ꞌocf-baiꞌonsfxpluraldububai'oPariseiai'ogroup of PhariseesMalaysia'o emidio kaumo, Teredaua-to.The malaysian people are staying at Teredau.
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uꞌatoiHLLvnock or put an arrow to the bowAbeai mahumo atai eidai-ka, iuꞌatoi-da momoꞌoi aroi-ka rituoha.The father took an arrow, put it to the bowstring, and when he shot it, the bird fell down dead.6.4.1Hunt
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uuꞌumocfuuꞌu1oneuꞌumaiselfiruꞌumooruuꞌumovtbury more than one thing
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uuꞌu1HLcfuuꞌumon1hole, can be used to describe a hole in size from a small nail hole to a large cave, a hole that should be there, as opposed to ga'ere, a problematic holeBuꞌi umui medee uuꞌuu rautu-ka.Dog's have holes in the rubbish piles.2tunnel that leads to a crab hole, it connects the muti (door plug) and damo (hole)
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uuꞌu2HHna special song sung to mark the first time a young man kills a pig, or captures an e'e. Each clan had their own uuꞌu, so when people heard the song, they knew which young man had killed his first pig. The song is sung to tell people that smeone has been successful in the hunt. Everyone will hear, gather, be ready to cook and prepare a feast. The sisters of the hunter will be dancing, throw off their clothes and dance, they will jump into river and swim out to the canoe, then an uncle will go down and pick up spear from hunter. After that the hunter can get off canoe, and his spear will be taken up to longhouse (meree), and they will make a feast before the spear can be returned to the owner. When they bring the spear, there will be betel nuts, smokes, etc, they will put them and take them to the clan, and they will be shared among the clan to celebrate the kill. The big feast includes the whole village, not just the clan. During the feast the uncle will give the spear back to the hunter.
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uupontree or palm stump. This could the result of cutting down a tree (ruꞌa uupo) or sago palm (du uupo). When a nipa palm dies, it leaves an uupo behind.
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uuuvhunting victory shout
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uumuhonwhite bellied cuckoo-shrike
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uuoonpole or stick used to tie up a canoe. A paddle (aibi) can be used as a temporary uuoo, but a more secure uuoo should be put in overnight.
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uupin1new growth on plants, a young plant Auhuti mea-ha, hepui hobobo hiꞌai-da amibo, paꞌeai raarai uupi-ha apoꞌoi aꞌai kaumo.If you cultivate well and plant in very soft ground, new garden things will burst forth.Moo iohu hepui oaduꞌoi raꞌai hepu hiꞌai ma omabai-ri, raara matei upi-ha ma apoꞌoumoi-ri.I make compost in order to enrich the soil, so that new plants will burst forth.Uupi-ha apoꞌoi aꞌai kaumo.The new plants will break the ground.2.5.1Sick2a young bird or animal
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uumo ododiaunspec. comp. form ofuumo2ododiauumo2
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uumo1HHLvgo into (e.g the bush)Roo rio-ra hito ahoroi, epui roo uumoi aꞌai buꞌi eito.If you want to make the woven bag called "hitoi", first you go to the bush.Roo uumoi-da ma opai du giꞌepu-ha ma ahiꞌai.When you have gone into the bush, you cut down the shoot of a sago palm.7.2.4Travel
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uumo2LLHvar.umocfmoꞌuinpractical knowledge that can be transferred to another, understanding, skillRoo uumo bia uubi obototoi goroi orohodi ama'ai duumo ruꞌa amoti.You don't know whether someone is underneath the wharf, or whether there is a log there.Moo uumo-ka roo-ro moo aiꞌiaiꞌai.I know you are going to beat me.3.2.1Minduumo ododiaunspec. comp. formvinform, give information, make knownMoo abeai umo ododiai bia, moo peei barai-da irotoꞌai-da, emediai-ka, oboi eito.Without letting my father know, I stood on the side of the canoe and jumped into the water.3.5.1Say
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uuho2HHLmanyiihov1eat, consumeMoo rio-ka hora emiꞌei du ma ruuho."I need to have a rest and something to eat."Rimoi-bi ai-rodau biikaumo Maubi-to, boomo uuhoi!We are going to Maubi to eat pig!Adimoi rimo goꞌotoi-da pirimati boomoi uuhoi-da.In the village that evening as the sun was setting we were eating that pig.Goroi-ro pooꞌui-da ikakoopui aiha puuho.; Gaꞌu aibo-ka uuho du, itai-itai ra, goꞌota, ka amiꞌa raa.The rat came and ate into the mangrove fruit.Momoꞌoi iuhoi-do ioropoiꞌoi, rii-ti utaꞌauti-ka.The two of them then they ate the bird up, and went to sleep.; The same for uncooked food, cooked food, coconuts, and so on.Moo abeai-ro boomoi emeꞌai-ka, pahei hiꞌai, dui puuho.My father saw a pig, a big boar, eating sago.2biteAra dubui auoi-ro uuho-ka.This man has been bitten by a snake.Mia ruu hepui eito amoꞌuo, ruu heamo umui-ro uuhoi aꞌai.But if he came down to the ground, a wild dog would bite him.5.2Food3idiomatic way of saying someone was rained onMihae-ro ruuho maaka.You were already rained on. Lit: the rain already ate you.
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uumicfahenlarge type of taro that has many fruits and is good for eating, a chinese variety of taroRuu turei aibo-ka, irai ruu ihai kehi hiiro bia.It is like the taro called "ture", but it is much smaller, and not so prolific.6.2Agriculture
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uuesp. var. ofue
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uuho1HHsp. var.uhonsalmon catfish (Neoarius leptaspis)
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uubisp. var.ubinpeopleMoo uubi, moo-ro tutuu hiꞌa aaꞌoi aꞌai bia.My people, I am not going to talk very long.Goꞌoto uubi-ro du, paꞌea du, imorohoi-ka.The village people would bring us sago and garden foods.Roo umo bia, uubi obo-totoi goroi oaꞌoiai amaꞌai duumo.You don't know whether someone is underneath the wharf.Aaꞌo himioi bogobogo tama uubi-ro pimatomudiomo, Pasifiki Urai uubi-ka, Samoa.At that time a white man was teaching, a Pacific Islander, a Samoan.4.1.2Types of peoplecomp.heamo uubiheamounspec. comp. formora uubiora
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uudonsonRomiodiimoi-da pirimee'amo go'otoi uubi-ro, "Oo, aire dubui mereebehe-ra uudo-rai kaimai tomio rautu imohuu'o.When we returned the village people saw us and said, "Oo, this man, his daughter and his son are returning with decorations."
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utu kibaudial. var. ofutu baagi
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utuentree species1.5.1Tree
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