chabenNlight-skinned NegroChaben-an ka kwè i sé an blan.The light-skinned Negro thinks he is white.Fr.chabin
chabinNlight-skinned NegressOu pa konnèt Agafa? I sé chabin-an ki ka vann pen anba-a la.You don't know Agatha? She is the light-skinned woman selling bread down there.Fr.chabine
chaché1var.achéVto look forYo ka chaché ti manmay-la ki té pèd-la.They're looking for the child who got lost.synchaché pougadé pouFr.chercherchaché pouYo ka chaché pou ti manmay-la ki té pèd-la.They're looking for the child who got lost.synchaché
chaché alé2chachéNou kay chaché alé sé moun-lan ki ka wété la.We will chase away the people who live there.
chadètNshaddock (Citrus grandis)Sé fanm-lan té ka vann chadèt èk sitwon.The women were selling shaddocks and limes.
chadonvar.chadwonNwhite sea urchin, sea egg (Stronglyocentrus spp.)La ni an chay chadon an lanmè-a la.There are many sea urchins in the sea there.chadon benniNonm-lan mété chadon benni an zépis-la pou pwéson-an.The man put chadon benni in the seasoning for the fish.chadon nwèvar.chadwon nwèChadon nwè kay pitjé'w si ou najé an dlo-a la.Black sea urchins will prick you if you swim in the water there.
chagwenVdepression, sadness, chagrinFr.chagrinni chagwenFanmi'y té ni chagwen'y lè i alé lòt péyi.His family couldn't do without him when he went overseas.pwan chagwenLè manman-an kité tibway-la, i pwan chagwen èk i mantjé mò.When the mother left the boy, he was overtaken with grief and he almost died.
chajNcriminal chargePolis-la fè an chaj kont nonm-lan paski i té jiwé'y.The policeman made a charge against the man for cursing him.Fr.chargean chajYo mété polis-la an chaj pwizonnyé-a.They put the police in charge of the prisoner.
chajéVoppdéchajé1to put a load on (an animal's back or a person's head)Chajé patjé bwa-a anlè bouwik-la èk ann' alé.Load the bundle of wood on the donkey and let's go.oppdéchajésynbatébatjé2to load (a gun)I chajé fizi-a pou fiziwé sé kanna sovay-la.He loaded his gun to shoot the wild ducks.Fr.charger
chakvar.chakenADJeach, everyChak fwa ou vini ou ka manjé.Each time you come you eat.Fr.chaque
chakenvar. ofchakChaken moun ka pòté chay li.Each person will bear his burden.
chalNkerosene bottle torchLè mwen té piti mwen toujou té ka chaché kwab èk chal.When I was little I always used to look for crabs with a kerosene bottle torch.synchal boutèyflanbochal boutèysynchal
chalèNoppfwédi1heatI ni an chay chalè jòdi-a.There is a lot of heat today.fwèt2conflict, pressureYo ka ban nou chalè paski nou p'òkò fini twavay nou.They are giving us pressure because we haven't finished our work.3beatingYo ba li an bèl chalè paski i pa té fini twavay li.They gave him a good beating because he hadn't finished his work.4sexual drive, promiscuityMadanm sala ni an chay chalè; i pa vlé wété épi yon sèl nonm.That woman has a strong sexual drive; she won't be faithful to one man.Fr.chaleur
chaloupNyachtYo té ni pou péyé an chay lajan pou chaloup nèf yo.They had to pay a lot of money for their new yacht.Fr.chaloupe
chamNpotionNonm-lan bay tifi-a an cham pou'y wété épi'y.The man gave the girl a potion to force her to stay with him.Fr.charme
chaméVto give a potionFwè mwen chamé chyen-an pou'y pa té alé jwenn pwèmyé mèt li.My brother gave the dog a potion to prevent it from going back to its first master.Fr.charmer
chanNfree space, open landI ni an chay chan pou sé zannimo-a.He has plenty of space for the animals.Fr.champ
chandèl??synchandèl mòlFr.chandellechandèl mòlManman tibway-la mété chandèl mòl anlè pyé'y pou hédi pikan-an.The mother of the boy put soft candle on his foot to take out the thorn.synchandèl