échofiNathlete's foot; a fungus that grows between the toesTibway sala toujou ni échofi paski i pa ka lavé pyé'y.That boy always has athlete's foot because he doesn't wash his feet.
échwéVto beach, to wash up on shore, to land a boatBalenn-an échwé asou lans lanmè Labowi-a.The whale washed up on the Laborie beach.synkòstéFr.échouer
édévar.endéVto helpZòt tout kay édé nou.You all will help us.synasistéFr.aider
éfasiVto eraseYo éfasi tout sa ki té ékwi-a.They erased all that was written.Fr.effacer
éfòNeffortNonm-lan pa fè pyès éfò pou édé kò'y.The man didn't make any effort to help himself.Fr.effort
égalADJequal, level, same, flushMwen miziwé dé mòso planch sala épi yo égal.I measured the two planks of wood and they are the same length.Fr.égal
égawéADJdazed, in a dazeI égawé menm kon ti manmay ki lévé an sonmèy.He's in a daze just like a child who has been awakened from sleep.Fr.égarer
ègzaktimanADVexactlyM'a sav ègzaktiman ki jou i ka vini.I don't know exactly what day he is coming.syndiwèktimandiwèktimanFr.exactement
ègzanminéVto examineYo ègzanminé papyé-a.They examined the paper.Fr.examiner
ègzanpNexampleI sé on bon ègzanp pou sé jenn manmay an vilaj-la.He is a good example for the young people in the village.Fr.exemplepa ègzanpfor examplePa ègzanp, pyès nonm ki kité madanm li èk i ka viv èk yon lòt madanm, i ka viv an adiltè.For example, any man who leaves his wife and leaves with another woman, he is living in adultery.as an exampleSé pou ou viv pa ègzanp.You must live your life as an example for others.
ègzibisyonNexhibitionSé fama-a ka tjenn an gwo ègzibisyon an vil Vyé Fò.The farmers are holding a big exhibition in Vieux Fort.Fr.exhibition
ègzistéVto existM'a ni lidé bagay kon ladjablès ka ègzisté.I don't think things like she-devils exist.Fr.exister
éklanméVto claimSé pou ou éklanmé tè-a gwanmanman'w té ba ou-a.You must claim the land your grandmother left you.Fr.réclamer
éklatéVto resound, to burst, to reverberate, to echoSon koul hach-la té ka éklaté an bwa-a.The sound of the axe echoed in the forest.Fr.éclater
ékléwéVsynklawifyéoppboutèy nwèinyowanto clarify, to make clear, to enlightenÉkléwé mwen pli asou sa, souplé.Clarify that for me, please.synklawifyéADJenlightenedApwézan tan-an ékléwé.Nowadays times are enlightened.oppboutèy nwèinyowanFr.éclairer
éklòVto hatchTout zé poul-la éklò.All the chicken's eggs hatched.Fr.éclore
ékoutanADJobedientLè yo tann sa, yo kay pli ékoutan.When they hear that, they will be more obedient.synobéyisanoppdézobéyisanFr.écoutant
èksèptévar.asèptéPREPsynanbaantiwantout tan...paexceptYo mennen tout bagay èksèpté sa.They took everything except that.synantiwanCONJunlessOu pa kay sové èksèpté ou konnèt Jézi.You won't be saved unless you know Jesus.synanbatout tan...paFr.excepté
èkstréNx-rayDòktè-a ka gadé èkstré fwisi misyé-a.The doctor is looking at the x-ray of the man's lungs.Vto x-ray, to take an x-rayTifi-a té adan an aksidan épi yo té ni pou èkstré tèt li.The girl was in an accident and they had to x-ray her head.Eng.x-ray
ékwiV1to writeTifi-a édé gwanmanman'y ékwi lèt-la.The girl helped her grandmother write the letter.2to have the ability to writeI té ka li é ékwi.He could read and write.Fr.écrire