ka1ADVprogressive aspect markerI ka palé.He is speaking.
ka2var.kadN1quarterI pa té sa menm manjé yon ka an manjé-a.He could not even eat a quarter of the food.2quarter of an hour, fifteen minutesI yon ka apwé senkè.It's a quarter after five.Fr.quart
kabNcable, ropeMachin kannòt-la koupé tout kab nas-la.The engine of the boat cut the fish pots' ropes.synkanmèl?kanmèlFr.cable
kabannNbed in the form of old clothes on the floorYo anmasé kabann-an a tè-a.They gathered up all the rags for sleeping on.synkouchFr.cabane
kabawéNbar, tavern, pubMagwé dòktè-a di'y pa bwè i kontiné ka alé an kabawé-a.Although the doctor had told him not to drink he continued going to the bar.Fr.cabaret
kabéNa temporary shelter made of sticks, palm frondsMwen fè an kabé bò jaden-an pou bouwi manjé mwen.I made a temporary shelter in the garden in order to cook my food.
kaboséVsynanfonséto dentBonm zenk-lan tonbé asou masonn-an épi i kabosé.The galvanized bucket fell on the concrete and got dented.synanfonséADJdentedMwen pa vlé achté motoka sala paski i twòp kabosé.I don't want to buy that car because it is dented too much.Fr.cabosser
kabowéN1cartPa mété kabowé-a douvan chouval-la.Don't put the cart before the horse.2toy car pushed on the end of a stickTout sé ti gason-an ni kabowé.All the little boys have toy cars.
kabwèsNyoung girlMi kabwès-la la!Look at the young girl there!syntifitifi
kabwitNgoatI mawé kabwit-la an jaden misyé-a.He tied the goat in the man's garden.Fr.cabri
kabwiyaNnoose used for catching animalsYo ka tjébé zanndoli èvèk kabwiya.They catch lizards with nooses.
kachimanNcustard appleSé kachiman-an matwité atjòlman.The custard apples are ripe now.
kachmabalNa game in which people have to guess who is holding a certain small objectLè nou té manmay nou toujou té ka jwé kachmabal.When we were children we liked to play 'kachmabal'.Fr.cache ma balle
kachoNjail cellPolis-la fèmé vòlè-a an kacho-a.The police locked up the thief in the jail cell.Fr.cachot
kachtéVto seal (envelope, etc.)Lèt-la tou kachté.The letter was all sealed up.oppdékachtéFr.cacheter
kadvar. ofkaBan mwen on kad pòt.Give me a quarter cup.
kadavNcadaver, dead bodyNonm-lan tjwé madanm li èk i jété kadav-la adan an twou pwévit.The man killed his wife and put her body in a pit toilet.Fr.cadavre
kadèNsecond (time)Nonm-lan pwen yon minit dis kadè pou kouwi kous-la.The man took one minute and ten seconds to run the race.
kadnaNpadlockVòlè-a pété kadna-a pou i té sa antwé an kay-la.The thief broke the padlock in order to break into the house.Fr.cadenas
kadoNgiftMadanm mwen ban mwen on kado pou Nwèl.My wife gave me a gift for Christmas.syndonFr.cadeau