la1ADV1thereSa ou ka fè la?What are you doing there?2thenLa yo vin konpwann.Then they understood.Fr.làla menm apwézan1la apwézan1la menmLa menm i koumansé kouwi!Right then he began to run!synla apwézan
-lacond. var.-a-an-lanARTtheI ka manjé fig-la.She is eating the banana.conditioned variant
labaNdawnNou alé bò lanmè-a avan laba kasé.We went to the beach before dawn broke.synlaba joulaba jouLè laba jou ka pasé, sòlèy-la té ja lévé.When dawn was breaking, the sun had already risen.synlaba
labankADVin the bank, to the bankI dépozé lajan'y labank.He deposited his money in the banque
labatwaNabattoir, shop where animals are slaughtered and the meat is soldMwen ka mennen bèf-la an labatwa-a.I am bringing the cow to the abattoir.synhalFr.l'abattoir
LabibNthe BibleLabib di ou sipozé enmen pwochen'w.The Bible says you are supposed to love your Bible
labitidNcustom, habitOu ka pwan sa kon an labitid; pa fè'y ankò.You do this as a habit; don't do it anymore.synlakoutimmèsFr.l'habitudekon labitid
labizwen??Bondyé konnèt labizwen légliz-la.God knows the needs of the church.synbizwenbizwenrelig., rareFr.le besoin
lablanniVto bleach, to whitenMwen mété had-la lablanni an sòlèy-la.I put the clothes to bleach in the sun.synblanchilablanni a tèMwen bay vòlè-a yon koul baton dèyè tèt li; i lablanni a tè-a.I hit the thief on the head with a stick and he fell flat.synplanté bannann
Labonnlanné1??Mwen ka swété'w Labonnlanné.I am wishing you a happy New Year.synBon Lanné bonne lannée
lachasNhuntingI pwen chyen'y èk i alé lachas.He took his dog and went chasse
lachawitévar.chawitéNalms, charityNonm avèg-la té ka mandé lachawité.The blind man was asking for charité
lachéVto releaseFr.lâcherlaché dloYo alé laché dlo dèyè kay-la.The went to urinate behind the house.synpisélaché vanTibway-la laché van anpami tout sé moun-an.The boy broke wind among all the people.synpétépété
lachè1Nflesh; the physical or corporeal part of a whole personLachè lézòm fèb.Human flesh is chair