obéyiVto obeyI pa vlé obéyi manman'y.He doesn't want to obey his mother.oppdézobéyiFr.obéir
obéyisanADJobedientMi an tibway ki obéyisan!Look, what an obedient child!synékoutanoppdézobéyisanFr.obéissant
obéyisansNobedienceObéyisans ou kay mennen'w byen lwen an lavi.Your obedience will take you far in life.oppdézobéyisansFr.obéissance
obligasyonNobligationI pa té anba pyès obligasyon pou édé nou.He was not under any obligation to help us.Fr.obligation
oblijé1Vsynfòséni pou1to compel, to forceMwen oblijé tibway-la mennen sé bagay-la i vòlè-a déviwé.I compelled the boy to bring back the things he stole.synfòsé2to be obligated, to have toMwen pa oblijé ba'w anyen.I don't have to give you anything.synni pousé fosé pouFr.obliger
oblijé2?ADVmustI oblijé sé yonn an sé ti manmay sala ki voyé wòch-la.He must be one of those children who threw the rocks.syndwédwéFr.obliger
ofwansNoffenseSa sé on ofwans pou nou.That's an offense to us.Fr.offense
ofwanséVto offendPawdonnen mwen si mwen ofwansé'w.Pardon me if I offended you.ADJoffendedNonm-lan vini ofwansé paski mwen palé lavéwité.The man became offended because I spoke the truth.Fr.offenser
ògannizasyonNorganizationOgannizasyon-an sala ka wépwézanté tout twavayè an péyi-a.This organization represents all of the workers in the country.Fr.organization
ògannizéVto organizeKilès ki ògannizé sé jwé sala?Who organized these games?Fr.organiser
ogoumantéVto increaseBondyé ka ogoumanté lafwa nou.God increases our faith.syngwandioppétwésimègwésimégwésiFr.augmenter
ogwèfNregistryMadanm mwen alé ogwèf pou gadé pou batistè sé manmay-la.My wife went to the registry to look for the children's birth certificates.
OjéNthe village of AugierYo tout ka wèsté Ojé pwé lopital-la.They all live in Augier near the hospital.Fr.Augier