sa1var.sanPROdemonstrative pronoun: this, thatÈs ou kopwann sa?Do you understand that???1San mwen-an pli gwo pasé sa ou-a.Mine is bigger than yours.2Sa ou ka fè la?What are you doing there?Fr.çaki saKi sa ou kay fè la?What will you do there?ki sa kiKi sa ki wivé'w?What happened to you?sa kisynki moun kisa ki mounSa ki wivé'w?What happened to you?whoSa ki genyen motoka-a?Who bought the car?synki moun kikilès kiwhoseSa ki motoka sala?Whose car is that?synsa ki mounhe who, whoeverMisyé-a wivé èk sa ki té pawé alé épi'y.The man arrived and whoever was ready went with him.sé sa kiMisyé-a wivé èk sé sa ki pawé alé épi'y.The man arrived and whoever was ready went with him.
sa2ADVsynpécan, to be ableI pa té sa menm maché.He couldn't even walk.pé??Sigawèt sala sa bon!This cigarette is really good!
sakNbag, sackMwen vlé on sak sik.I want a bag of sugar.?katoumiFr.sac
sakwéADJdamnedOu sé on sakwé vòlè.You're a damned thief.Fr.sacré
sakwifisNsacrificeMwen ni pou fè on chay sakwifis pou mwen sa fè kay mwen.I have to make a lot of sacrifice in order to be able to build my house.Fr.sacrifice
salADJdirty, soiledSé jou sala dlo-a sal an chay.These days the water is very dirty.synmal pwòpmal pwòpoppnètnètpwò'aADJthis, thatNou kontan motoka sala.We like that car.Fr.celasé salaPwan liv sala mé kité sé sala.Take this book but leave those.
saladNsaladMwen pa té sa fè salad-la paski tout konkonm-lan gaté.I couldn't make the salad because all of the cucumbers are spoiled.Fr.salade
saléVto saltYo ka salé vyann-an.They salt the meat.ADJsaltyDlo-a té twò salé.The water was too salty.Fr.salerFr.salé
salèNsalaryI vlé yo hosé salè-a.He wants them to raise the salary.Fr.salaire
salézonNmeat, fishNou manjé manjé-a san salézon.We ate the food without meat.Fr.salaisons
sali1Vto soil, to dirtyLas sali dlo-a!Stop dirtying the water!Fr.salirsali nonSé pa pou sali non moun.You must not slander people.syndékwiyémépwizénwèsi non
sali2Vto primeSé pou ou sali planch-lan avan ou pentiwé'y.You must prime the board before you paint it.
salòpADJnasty, dirtyOu salòp.You are nasty.crudeFr.salope
salvasyonNsalvationJézi ka ofè nou salvasyon.Jesus offers us salvation.oppdanmnasyonreligious
san1NbloodBouden sala fèt èk san kochon.This black pudding is made with pig's blood.??Tout pyé mwen té ni san.My foot was all bloody.Fr.sangmété san dèwòSi ou touché mwen, mwen ka mété san'w dèwò.If you touch me, I'll spill your blood.san mòDòktè-a tiwé san mò-a an pyé nonm-lan.The doctor removed the hematoma from the man's foot.
san2ADJhundredSa kouté konmen san dòla.That costs many hundred dollars.Fr.centyan sanSak-la pézé yan san liv.The sak weights one hundred pounds.
san3PREPwithoutNou wété twa jou san manjé.We stayed three days without food.oppépiépièvèkFr.sans
san4var. ofsaSan mwen-an gwo pasé sa ou-a.Mine is bigger than yours.
sanbléV1to gatherYo ka sanblé nwa.They are gathering cashews.2Yo tout sanblé bò pon-an.They all gathered by the bridge.synjwennFr.assembler