taADVlateI toujou ka wivé twavay ta.He always arrives late at work.oppbonnèFr.tard
tabNtableYo mété kouto-a asou tab-la.They put the knife on the table.Fr.tablea tabNou té asid a tab ka manjé.We were sitting at table eating.
tabakNtobaccoSé fanm-la ka vann tabak.The women are selling tobacco.Fr.tabactabak djab
tablètNcandy made with melted sugar and coconutSé ti manmay-la ka manjé an chay tablèt.The children eat lots of coconut candy.
tabliyéNapronMadanm-la ka lavé tabliyé'y.The woman is washing her apron.Fr.tablier
tach1NstainChimiz tibway-la benyen tach.The boy's shirt is full of stains.Fr.tache
tach2Nschool (of fish)Sé péchè-a ka gadé pou tach pwéson-an.The fishermen are looking for the school of fish.
taché1Vto stainFig ka taché had nou.Bananas stain our clothes.Fr.tacher
taché2Vto pinTaché had ou épi zépenng-lan.Pin your clothes with the safety pin.Fr.attacher
tadéVto delay, to make lateNou tadé paski lapli té ka tonbé.We delayed because rain was falling.ADJlate, delayedLapli-a fè plén-an tadé.The rain made the plane late.Fr.tarder
tak1NstemGason-an kasé tak flè-a.The boy broke the stem of the flower.
taksNtaxMwen ka péyé taks toulé mwa.I pay taxes every month.synlenpoEng.tax
taktéADJspotted, speckled, freckledFig takté dou an chay.Bananas with speckles on them are very sweet.Fr.tacheté
talanNtalentBondyé bay tout moun talan.God gives everyone talents.Fr.talent
talèADVsoon, shortly, in a little whileTalè vann-an kay wivé.The van will arrive soon.syntouswitFr.tout à l'heuretalè-aMwen jwenn madanm-lan talè-a.I met the woman earlier.
talkariNEast Indian dish: stewed pumpkinMwen kontan talkari épi diwi.I like 'talkari' and rice.
talonNheelSoulyé-a koupé'y dèyè talon'y.The shoe cut him behind his heel.Fr.talon
tan1NtimeLa ni on tan pou tout bagay.There's a time for everything.Fr.tempsan menm di tanAn menm di tan nou wè'y ka pasé.At the same time we saw him passing by.ki tanKi tan ou kay viwé?When will you return?tan lontanTan lontan moun té ni kay pay.Long ago people had straw houses.synlontanlontan
tan2NweatherTan-an mové jòdi-a.The weather is bad today.Fr.tempsmové tanSézon mové tan ka fini mwa sala.Hurricane season is finishing this month.
tan3ADJsuch and such an amount (deliberately vague)Ès sé pou tan lajan ou vann tè sala?Is it for such and such an amount you sold the land?