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Lhowa - Nepali

तीम्‍बुᴴtim‍bunओखलmortar in which rice is husked, pounded6.7.2पिस्‍ने समान
ती़म्‍बुᴴtym‍buSHतीबुnओखलmortar in which rice is husked, pounded5.1घरायसी समानहरू
ती़म्‍बु धुङगीनᴴtym‍bu ᶫtuŋginक्रि.प.पिस्नुgrind6.2.6.2अन्‍न घट्ट
तीरपाᴴtirpanगहुँ बाली खाने कीराtype of insect that eats wheat1.5.7वनस्‍पति रोग
तीली खेज्‍युᴴtili ᴴkʰedzʲunठाउँको नामname of a place9.7.2.7हिमालका नामहरू
तीली पुक्‍पाᴴtili ᴴpuk‍paSHतीली पुक्‍पुnगाइतीagricultural tool6.2.4.3सिंचाइ गर्नु
तीवा जेगीनᴴtiwa dzeginक्रि.प.भत्काउनु (आदरार्थी शब्द)demolish (honorific term)genतीप्‍कीन7.9तोड्‌नु, बिग्रदै जानु
तुᴴtunयोनिvagina, vulva, origin, female sexual organ2.1.8.4महिलाका अङ्गहरू
तुक्‍कीनᴴtuk‍kinvसिलाउनुcause to sew7.5.2जोड्‌नु
तुक्‍रीᴴtuk‍rinपाद (आदरार्थी शब्द)fart (honorific term)genफीरी 12.2.8दिसा गर्नु, दिसा
तुगीनᴴtuginvबटार्नु, बेर्नुtwist, wring, entwine, distort, wind round, wrap up, roll uphonतुला जेगीन8.बटार्नु, निचोर्नु
तुङाᴴtuŋaवि.छोटोshort, mean, small-minded9.2.1बिशेषणहरू
तुङसाईᴴtuŋsainसंक्षिप्तabridged, abbreviated, concise, brief8.2.2.3होंचो
तुतुᴴtutuGHउतुnनिधार निधार ठोकाउनेtouching another's forehead with one's own forehead to show respect4.3.9.1रिवाज
तुप्‍कीनᴴtup‍kinvकाट्नुcuthonतुवा जेगीन7.5.2जोड्‌नु
तुरबुᴴturbunढिकीwooden device (with a pestle which is raised and dropped sharply into a hole of stone in the ground) for husking rice5.पीठो पिंध्‍नु
तुला जेगीनᴴtula dzeginक्रि.प.बटार्नु (आदरार्थी शब्द)roll (honorific term)genतुगीन8.बटार्नु, निचोर्नु
ते च्‍यीकᴴte ᴴtsʲikवि.केहीlittle, a few, some, any8.1.5.1केही
तेउᴴteun1काठ तिखार्ने सानोकोदालोsmall device to sharpen the wood6.2.8कृषि उपकरणहरू2ताछ्‌ने औजार6.6.3काठको काम गर्नु
तेक घो़दाᴴtek ᶫkødaवि.बिगार्ने, बदमासone who always does damage4.1.6अनेकता
तेक्‍कीनᴴtek‍kinSHतेरकीvदिनुgive, grant, allowhonॱनाङगीन7.4.1दिनु
तेगाᴴteganकाठिsaddle,seat for a rider on a horse, bicycle, or motor cycle6.3.1.7भारी बोक्‍ने जन्‍तु
तेङीᴴteŋinसन्सारमा नभएको, नराम्रोout of the world, alien8.अनौठो