Search results for "siye"

siyeprohis, her, hers9.2.3Pronouns

kweholi̱yav1give a loan6.8.5.1Lend6.8.5Borrow6.8.5.5Credit2collect a debtEeholeei̱ye sente siye.He has his debt. debt6.8.5Borrow6.8.5.3Owe6.8.5.5Credit

kusenav1be cleanNgoye siye si̱hi̱ti̱i̱li̱li̱li̱i̱ye kusena.Her clothes are very clean.5.6.1Clean, dirty2cut an umbilical cord7.8.3Cut2.6.3.5Help to give birth

kuboheelelavtie togetherMusaasa akwete kuboheelela ngoye siye.The man is tying together his clothes.7.5.2Join, attach8.2.7.1Tight6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.2.1Link, connect7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieder. ofkuboha

kuhinga1vexchangeAaghendi̱ye kuhinga sente siye mu bbanka.He has gone to exchange his money in the bank. something6.8.4.9Exchange, trade8.