Search results for "four"

mitwaru ganeinumfour hundred thousand8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers

mweri̱myeri̱n1moon; round object in the sky that shines at night giving light1.1.1.1Moon2month; period of time equal to four weeks8.4.1Period of time8.4.1.4Monthkubba ku mweri̱vTaboo. Euph. menstruate; undergo the female process that causes bleeding from the uterus every monthSynkubba mu nsonga2.1.8.4Female organs

ki̱dyabali̱i̱syabi̱dyabali̱i̱syanstomach; one of the four parts of the stomach of herbivorous animals6.3.1.1Cattle5. of an animal

ki̱hohoolyabi̱hohoolyanbutterfly; flying insect with a long thin body and with four large brightly coloured wings1.6.1.7Insect

foomufoomuEnglishnbench, form; fairly long seat for at least four people made of timber without a back5.1.1.2Chair

b̯uumamab̯uumanfork; metallic household utensil with a handle and three or four points on one end for eating food5.2.2.8Eating utensil

kiteegabiteeganmuscle; that lower part of the thigh of a four legged animal, above the knee, with a protruding tendon2.1.7Flesh

sandu̱u̱ki̱var.sandu̱u̱komasandu̱u̱ki̱n1suitcase; four-sided container made from timber, sheet metal, or leather, etc. used for storing things like clothes, etc.6.7.3Carrying tool6.7.7Container2coffin; box in which a dead body is buried2.6.6.5Bury

makenulendomestic household seat made out of timber and nails with four legs, a leaning part and not found in an office5.1.1.2Chair

mbwenembwenendog; domestic carnivore having four legs a long tail, strong and sharp teeth trained to protect a home and to hunt wild animals6.3.1.5Dog1. animalmbwene gidulunmale dog6.3.1.5Dog1. animal

motokamamotokaEnglishnmotorcar, truck; road vehicle, driven by an engine with at least four wheels that is driven using a steering wheel to control the direction7.

kademba ntumbumakademba ntumbungecko; wild nocturnal khaki-coloured reptile with four legs and a tail, resides on the walls and in verandas, lives on insects, and resembles but is smaller than ‘garagara’Hemidactylus mabouia1.

garagaramagaragaranlizard; wild reptile with four legs and a tail that resides on walls, and in courtyards, which feeds on insects, and the males of which differ in size and colour from the females1.

kabbaratu̱u̱ru̱makabbaratu̱u̱ru̱nYellow-throated lizard; animal that resembles a monitor lizard, stays underground with four legs, a long tail, blackish on top, red in the sides and a whitish belly, yellow in the throat and the lower jawGerrhosaurus flavigularis1.